Class Introductions

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Hito made a friend, probably but it is the closest thing to what a friend is! Now he was talking, well not really talking but communicating with Nishimya-san.

To say that he wasn't happy was a lie, he definitely is happy to make a friend? Like Shouko.

Now that he got a closer look at Shouko, God she was cute, not to mention adorable, he just met her but he could tell she's a very nice girl.

Hito took a deep breath and told himself. 'Tadano Hitohito! You can't just start crushing on a girl because she's cute and adorable! Not to mention you just met her today!'

It was really hard for him, not even a week had he already met another cute girl that was willing to talk to him. Honestly, where did his sudden luck come from?

He had never been this lucky before, and he was quite grateful for this luck, not that he'd say it out loud though.

Nishimiya-san was an easy girl to get along with, and with her personality, she would no doubt have plenty of friends.

There was no doubt about that.


Anyway, it wasn't just he found out about her, he also got to know that Shouko was going to be in the same school as he is!

His day couldn't get any better, at least when he went to his new school he knew one person that wasn't a stranger.

Now, hopefully, they are going to be in the same class but he'd rather not hope for that. After all, it's already good luck for him to meet and befriend Shouko.

Both of them were not at the school entrance, this wasn't really the first time he saw his new school entrance, but his amazement didn't get any lower than the first.

His school looks good, better than his middle school and bigger, then he saw a lot of students like him going inside the school entrance.

Looking at their appearance he couldn't help but wince internally, everyone aside from him looks….pretty.

It was like he went to another realm filled with pretty people and he was the only one that is average!

This wasn't an anime okay?! There should be someone who is as plain or maybe uglier than him.

Then he was snapped out of his thoughts as Shouko tagged his sleeve.

Shouko then showed him her notebook.

( There's a lot of people here! I'm a bit nervous about meeting them, but it wouldn't stop me from going inside! )

Hito couldn't help but smile at her comment, he too was honestly nervous, then said. "I'm the same as you, then shall we go in?"

He gestured at the entrance, and although she couldn't hear his words, his gesture was enough for her to understand what he's trying to say.

With a determined look, Shouko took the lead and stepped inside the school, seeing this made Hito smile in amusement.

He can't let her bravery be wasted right? Thus, he followed her lead and took a step inside the school entrance.

Now, it felt different now that he was instead, however it didn't stop him from advancing.

Both of them continued to walk until they arrived at the locker, Shouko was currently looking for her locker.

However Hito already knew where his locker was located, it was beneath him, then he dropped his right knee and started to open his locker.

Inside was a school shoe, he took off his current one, and replaced it with the school shoes.

After he replaced them, he heard someone's footsteps, he shifted his gaze toward the source and his eyes widened.

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