Chapter 6

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Sam's POV:

There's a bell somewhere in the house ringing. Bennie's bell.

I should have not drunk last night at all.

Slowly, I get out of bed while the bell continues to ring.

When I get downstairs the bell rings faster and louder.

Where the heck is this bell coming from?

I see Ben walk out of the garden with the bell still ringing "There you are" he says while stopping the bell "Where were you?" he asks me as he escorts me into the garden.

"Sorry, I was-" I stop what I say and my expression drops.

Kas is crying with her beautiful eyes while Lia comforts her.

Everyone else is standing around Finnie's most likely dead body.

Everyone turns to look at me "What?" I say and Alex shakes his head as he looks back at the body.

I look at everyone "What happened?" I question and Matthew sits down.

"You tell us," he says making my heart drop.

Do they really think that I would have killed Finn?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Oh, come on, we all know it was you, it's not a coincidence that you went to bed early and yet 'woke' up late," Matthew says leaving me stunned.

I don't say anything because I know I'll say something wrong.

Matthew lets out a little laugh while shaking his head, "AND, and, it's obvious that you like Kas so there's no doubt you killed Finnie"

Matthew stands up and walks to me but luckily Ben stops Matt from doing anything to me.

He really is looking for a fight but today isn't the day for that.

"Sit down, Matthew," Ben says while Matt stares at me.

He listens to Ben as if he's Bennie's little puppy.

Matt sits down again "Whatever," he says while shaking his head.

I don't get why I would kill Finnie, yes, I do like Kas but I wouldn't kill anyone for that.

Author's note:

Sorry for not posting but here's another chapter, soon we will be having to guess who is the killer hope you're ready for that!!!

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