Chapter 14

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Bennie's POV:

Tate is crying... I've seen her cry before but I've always felt bad even though it's never my fault... I think.

"You're okay," I say "I'm here," I pause to listen to her breathing, she's breathing really quickly "I'm with you."

She holds her chest showing me that it's getting hard for her to breathe.

"Look at me" I demand and she turns her head to look at me.

I sit in front of her and tilted her head up to look at me "Breathe" I tell her while breathing in and out slowly to help her.

Tate copies my breathing "Hey, what's your favourite colour again?"

She looks at me, confused.

"Purple, why?"

"Now, who's your favourite person?"

"Uhm, you"

My heart skips a beat and I smile all though she could be lying to me it still made me feel good.

"Favourite fruit?" while she thinks I stop her "Wait," I say "I know."

Tate smiles and looks into my eyes while I think "Pomegranates?"

She nods and smiles even more.

I smile uncontrollably and I try to stop myself but I can't.

Tate is so pretty when she smiles and I want to let her know that every day but I can't get the guts to tell her.

"Ben?" she says.

I look at her eyes, oh her eyes. They look like they came from heaven. The way the green shines and the black looks brighter than ever.

Tate leans into me and wraps her arm around my torso.

I feel calm.

I can feel Tate's heartbeat so I count it every time it beats.

"You okay now?" I ask her and she nods.

So much drama in one morning.

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