Chapter 10

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Delilah's POV:

I've seen everyone here but yet I don't know who killed Finnie Evans.

Sam woke up late because he was hungover (they all drank the night before) and he didn't hear the bell Bennie was ringing this morning because his door was locked.

Bennie was mad that someone killed his best friend (Finn) so he wanted to find out who killed him.

Lia was under a lot of pressure and mad at Matthew who was accusing everyone in the garden.

Matthew just doesn't trust anyone, he wasn't friends with Finn but he really wanted to.

Alex was in shock and didn't know what to say or do this whole morning.

Tate thought everyone was annoying about the whole situation but she did feel bad for Finnie's friends and Kas because Finn died.

And Kas, was in shock because her fiancée was dead and they had many plans together before he died.

Everyone is insaneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ