Chapter 18

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Kas' POV:

"Kas," Del says and my heart drops while Queenie walks back into the spare living room looking really proud.

What did she tell Delilah?

Slowly, I stand up and walk to Del.

She doesn't look very impressed with me.


I sit down and she looks at me in my eyes "Did you lie to me about being Finnie's fiance?"

What does she mean?

"You heard the group, they also said that I was engaged to Finn," I tell Delilah "I can give you proof"

Delilah nods and I open my phone.

I show her mine and Finnie's text messages.

She nods as she passes my phone back to me.

"Kas," she says in a serious tone "I don't know how else to put it but he was cheating on you"

I know.

"Yeah," I say while frowning at the ground "I know that he cheated"

Delilah looks at me, confused "Then why didn't you break up with him?"

I sigh while trying not to cry "I guess, I've always wanted to get married" I say "I didn't want to break up with him because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to get married" As I let my tears out I look at my bed "And I couldn't break up with him" my voice cracks "As much as I wanted to, I couldn't" I pause "I love him"

I stare at my bed and it's my bed, now.

I don't know how I'm going to go to sleep without him beside my side or wake up without him there to tell me how beautiful I am.

As I look at my bed I remember him walking out of the room telling me he was going to 'get water' when I knew he was actually going to go fuck Queenie.

He knew I believed anything when I had just woken up. He used it against me.

For a second I'm glad I won't be waking up next to him but then I start to miss him again.

"It's why he went out at night," I say "He would tell me he's have panic attacks because he knew I am gullible when I first woke up" I try to keep my cries in "I knew he was going out to sleep with Queenie"

Delilah frowns.

"That's why I think he killed himself," I say "I know that if Finnie ever cheated on someone who loved him he would not be able to live with the guilt, so he killed himself"

Delilah sighs "Why didn't you tell me that before?"

"I didn't want to believe that he was actually cheating," I tell her "I was hoping so bad that I was just being paranoid but I wasn't"

"Okay," Delilah says while sighing "So, it was a suicide"

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