Chapter 20

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Lia's POV:

As I sit in bed I just wonder how Kas is feeling, she won't be used to sleeping in her bed by herself.

Without Finn, she's not complete.

I would know because I'm her best friend, I can tell when she's incomplete. I can tell when she's sad, happy, worried and uncomfortable.

She's my best friend and I have to help her.

I knock on her bedroom door and she quickly opens it as if she were expecting me.

She looks at me with sad eyes and after a few seconds she starts crying in my arms "He's gone" she keeps saying "He isn't here"

"Hey, hey, it's okay"

I help her walk into her room and I sit her down on her bed "Would you like me to sleep in your bed with you tonight?" all Kas does is nod while laying down "Okay, go to sleep, everything is fine"

I lie down next to her and turn her night light off.

"It's like old times when we had sleepovers remember that?"

"Yeah" Kas answers.

"We used to talk about crushes and dream lives"

"I never had those children I wanted," Kas says making me chuckle "Thank you, Lia," she says "For being here for me"


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