Chapter 22

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Tate's POV:

Did I really fall asleep on Bennie's chest earlier?

I'm so embarrassed.

I wonder if I hurt him while I was sleeping, if I did I genuinely need to apologise.

Shit, I also sat in between his legs.

There's a knock on the door.

I'm not going to open it in case it's the murderer.

"Tate, it's Ben"



Just what I need right now.

I open the door and he looks at me making me realise I'm wearing pyjamas "What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"Just to ask you something," he says.

"Oh, couldn't you text me?" 

"I didn't want to"

"Ah," I say.

He looks at my lips and sighs "So, the question?" I say but he doesn't take his eyes off my lips.

I can feel my cheeks go red and I start to feel dizzy.

Bennie cups my red cheeks and kisses me.

This is just a dream.

Bennie wouldn't want to kiss a girl like me, I'm shy and quiet and no one wants a girl like that.

He continues to kiss me and I've gone even dizzier.

He's still kissing me as we shuffle into my room.

Ben closes my door behind us and stops kissing me.

I can tell he's embarrassed.

He gasps so loud that I think he woke up our whole house "I'm so so sorry" he says covering his mouth "I wasn't thinking" he tells me "I'm such a horrible person"

"Hey, Ben," I say while I pull his hand down "It's okay" I assure him and I quickly kiss him.

I start to unbutton his shirt and he starts to unbutton mine but we don't look down once while we kiss.

I pull him over to my bed as we drop out shirts.

Ben looks down at my body and swallows "Are you sure you want this?" he asks me while laying me down.

"Yes," I say and he kisses my neck.

"Oh, I love you so much"


I lie on Ben's chest while concentrating on his fast breathing.

"Did you enjoy that?" I say while biting the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah" he answers and the weight on my shoulders lifts a little "Did you?" he asks ignoring the fact that he could see that I enjoyed the sex.

"Yeah," I tell him and rub my head on his bare chest "Can I ask you something, Ben?"

"Of course," he says while stroking my hair.

"Do you actually like me or do you just feel bad?" I ask "About today, earlier on"

I look up at him and he's looking at me with a confused expression "What do you mean?" he asks.

"When I had that panic attack," I say and Ben shakes his head.

"I've always wanted to kiss you but I didn't know when."

There's a crash downstairs, so Ben and I look at each other.

A woman screams.

Both Ben and I, quickly, get up out of bed and we both put our trousers on.

Luckily I have a sports bra on and everyone has seen Ben shirtless before.

Both of us run downstairs and Queenie is standing in the middle of the kitchen with a bloody hand.

"What happened?" Bennie asks while he walks up to her.

She stares into the living room without blinking and blabbering to herself.

"It was right there" she keeps saying "I saw it"

Ben looks at me and I shrug.

Alex runs down with Sam and then Kas walks out of the garden.

After the three Lia and Matthew walk in together.

"It was there," Queenie says but Bennie guides her hands towards the sink.

"Calm down, Queenie," Ben tells her "Tate, could you please get me bandages and tweezers, be careful of the glass on the floor"

I nod and slowly walk towards the first aid cupboard.

I give Ben the tweezers and bandages.

Everyone crowds around us two while muttering to each other.

Ben starts picking glass out of Queenie's skin while she stares into the living room.

"What happened?" Lia asks while I sweep the glass.

At this point, I think a ghost is haunting us.

"Queenie?" Matthew says while snapping his fingers in her face and she blinks.

Kas scoffs and rolls her eyes.

"I saw a figure in the living room" Queenie finally says while I'm pouring the glass in the bin "It was telling me that I was next"

I see a stone on the ground and pick it up.

This stone is from where the front of the fireplace is.

"It threw something at me" Queenie pauses "And then the glass smashed"

I pass the stone to Bennie "It was on the floor" I whisper into his ear and he looks down at it.

"I'm guessing this stone was thrown at you?" Ben asks while showing Queenie the stone and she sighs.

"I don't know, it all happened so quickly"

Ben continues to wrap the bandage over her hands "Why were you holding glass?"

"I wanted to put flowers in a vase," she says.

I look around.

"Where are the flowers?" Kas asks and Queenie shrugs.

"I don't know"

Kas rolls her eyes "You're pathetic" she tells and walks away back into the garden.

"Did you two have sex?" Alex asks me and Ben.

"What makes you ask this?" Ben asks while standing up

Everyone looks at each other "You're both shirtless" Matthew says while smiling.

Bennie and I look at each other and sigh.

"Wow..." Lia says slowly "I cannot believe it"

"Okay, yes, but it's our business so shut up"

I try to hold my laugh in and luckily succeed.

Lia smirks at me and raises his eyebrows "Is he good?" she mouths and I smile while nodding my head a little.

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