Chapter 19

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Bennie's POV:

Delilah and her partner walk into the living room and look at Tate and me.

"How is she?" Delilah asks.

"She's better" I answer to her and begin to stroke her hair while looking down at her "She fell asleep though"

Delilah chuckles while her partner looks around the house.

"So, did you find out who killed him?" I ask hoping for a name or thing.

"We think it's a suicide," her partner says "We don't have enough information, though, so we will inform you when we are 100% sure"

"So how % sure are you?"


"So why are you leaving so soon, you guys are only 30% sure?" I ask "Shouldn't you stay and check everything until you're 100% sure?"

Delilah sighs "We will come back soon"

I shake my head and sigh which makes Tate lift her head "Are you okay?" she asks me and I nod slowly while blinking.

"Go back to sleep, Tate," I say "I'm fine"

"Oh...okay," she says, slowly while laying her head back onto my chest.

As I look at Delilah and her partner Tate shakes her head and I feel it on my chest "What happened?" I ask her and she looks up at me.

"I can't sleep," she says quietly because she realises other people are in the room.

While sighing Tate sits up but she doesn't realise that she's sat in between my legs.

"Did you guys find out who it was?" she asks slowly and Delilah respectfully shakes her head while looking down at her feet.

"Well, we think he did it himself," Delilah says quietly and Tate rubs her face.

"Fantastic," she says "So that means you're unsure"

"Well not entirely"


I agree with Tate most like every other day but I genuinely agree with her and this time I'm not lying.

The police probably say that he committed suicide because they have no idea who killed him.

We all know that Finnie would never want to kill himself or do any kind of sin like that.

Yes, he did unholy things but he would never sin that badly.

Finnie was a good guy with a perfect life, he had a nice girlfriend, nice parents, and a healthy family and he was going to get married why would he kill himself before his big day?

"That's not Finnie," I say "He would have never done such a thing"

"I agree," Tate says quietly.

"We think he did it because of guilt," Delilah's partner says.

"Why would he be guilty?" I ask.

He hasn't done anything wrong

"He cheated on Kas"


That's not like him.

"He doesn't sin," I say.

Delilah shakes her head "Maybe he wasn't who you thought he was"

"Why would he lie to us?"

Delilah shrugs making Tate scoff.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow," Delilah says "For now everyone should just rest"

"This is ridiculous," I say while shaking my head.

Finnie wouldn't do such a thing and I know it.

The police are wrong about everything.

Everyone is insaneUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum