Chapter 11

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Tate's POV:

I really don't get why everyone is being so dramatic.

I understand that everyone is upset because Finnie died but not even Kas made a big fit about it and Finnie is her boyfriend.

Though, I genuinely think Matthew killed Finnie because he didn't have a care in the world for Finn and he just randomly loves Finn like a fangirl. But I'm going to keep that to myself because I'm not a cunt.

Obviously, I told Delilah though.

"Are you okay, Tate?"

I look up at Bennie and nod "Yeah," I say quietly while he sits down next to me.

Ben sighs and puts his hand on my shoulder "No matter what anyone says, I will always be on your side" he says making me look at him.

Slowly, I nod letting him know that I'm always going to be on his side too.

There's something about this man that makes me want to kiss him. His eyes? His voice? His smile? I don't know but I hope I will get a chance to kiss him one day.

I lay my head on his shoulder and stare at Matthew who's staring at me.

Shit. I know exactly what's going to happen.

I'm going to have to stick up for myself.

I don't know what his problem is.

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