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Felix was restocking the milk in the shelves of the convenience store he was working in when the glass doors swung open. He didn't need to look to know that it's the same hatefully handsome man who never fails to visit at the same time every night, the scent that caresses his nose was enough indication. And besides, it's been going on for three weeks now that the omega wasn't actually surprised anymore when the alpha appeared with a friendly smile that he always has, emphasizing that beautifully structured face of his.

The omega snorts, rolling his eyes.

He hates how beautiful that face is. And no, he doesn't like it. And another N-O, they're not — in any way, shape, or form — in good terms. 

That hell of a beautiful guy is a fucking tease, self-righteous piece of shit, and a pervert — in other words, an asshole. He's well aware of how handsome he is, and ultimately, the effects he had on many. Both men and women groveling at his feet just by standing still and breathing, and clearly because of that, he was so arrogant that he thought he could get anyone he wanted, including Felix. 

But nah-ah. Felix wouldn't give in, having the proper qualities of being a tough nut.

Though if he was being honest, he's not one to deny a pretty face. He can recognize one when he sees one. He likes beautiful things. He appreciates them, and that goes along with beautiful people — especially when they're printed on green paper. He likes them. They make him happy.

Anyhow going back, the alpha bitch is apparently a well known person in his university, but even then, Felix (fortunately) doesn't share any classes with him, so Felix didn't know who the alpha that everyone has been fussing about was. He'd known him by his name, but never got the chance to get to know him (not like he wanted to, though, given a chance) since he was too busy with staying alive and other things, aside from the fact that he's not that interested. He'd never known of that certain person, until the said alpha appeared in the convenience store he had only been working on for a week or two at that time, one night, making his presence known.

The alpha was drunk then and reeked a mixture of pheromones and booze, a clear indication that he had gone partying in the club nearby. He was accompanied by a few people, both men and women of different subgenders that were visibly in a silent competition for the alpha's attention, and yet he still had the guts to make passes at Felix who didn't even blink at the other's charms, making a fool out of him, and a challenge to rise on the taller's chest.

Felix appreciates pretty people but not when they come near him uninvited, or when they hinder his work. His goal is to have more beauties that would stay still in his pockets for a week or two before the rent is due, and he doesn't like it when they're incomplete because of some sort of deduction.

Unfortunately so, since then the alpha has done so much shit just to get Felix's attention. He didn't know how the other specie found out that they somehow revolve around the same sun, so you can imagine his surprise when the said alpha began attending Felix's classes just to watch or stare at him (like a damn creep) enjoying to annoy the hell out of him at every given minute, trying to hold his hand and throw flirtatious remarks that once had Felix in trouble with one of his profs — winking at him every time he catches him glaring, seemingly unaffected by the knives shooting from Felix's eyes.

God, that arrogant prick was so shameless and unfaltering no matter how much Felix ignored him. Though that didn't make Felix open up, and instead, his walls had thickened, even having poison induced spikes for the alpha.

Maybe that's why the other had also decided to step up his game.

Felix won't forget what just happened the other day when they bumped into each other in a bookstore while he was looking for a reference book for one of his major subs. The alpha just suddenly pulled him into a corner when the omega had ignored him, brushing off his greetings, and pushed him in between a wall and a shelf, cornering him. The taller bitch nuzzled on his neck, then started to lick on his scent gland, murmuring how good he smelled even with the scent blockers on. 

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