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What Felix's grandma failed to consider is that it was also fate that brought his parents together, yet look at them now, they're everything but happy. All that's left for them to do was put a knife to each other's throats, only they couldn't because if one of them dies, one will automatically follow.

It's a mated person's fate to feel immense depression once their partner passes away. They may survive a few weeks to months, but in the end, they're destined to die in sadness. An agonizing pain rooted from loneliness that soon leads to death.

He would know because after his conversation with his grandma, he began to search more about mating, bonds and all of that.

It turns out, mating is not as dreamy as his friends back in highschool thought it was. It's more of a curse than a blessing.

As days drag on, something in Felix gets even more anxious, his thirst for the unknown becomes more unquenchable. And it didn't help that he also began to feel all queasy and jumpy. It's driving him mad.

The omega hadn't seen Hyunjin since. He hasn't dropped by his lectures nor the convenience store for more than two weeks. It was like he just dropped off the face of the earth, and is now nowhere to be seen. He just magically disappeared and Felix couldn't be more thankful for that because he honestly didn't know how he could face Hyunjin after what happened, nor if he could ever, for that matter.

The hate he had harbored for the said alpha grew over time, that the only thing that was stopping Felix from committing murder was jail and himself. He would rather not serve jail time, and most definitely would rather not die because of a stupid alpha.

"Ma, where did that smell come from?" Felix covered his nose, a strong sense of distaste bubbling in his throat as he opened the door of his room and was immediately greeted with something unpleasant. The smell was so strong it was making his stomach twist in the most unwanted way, making him want to vomit his guts. The smell seeps through the cracks of his door, suffocating Felix like he had just been trapped in a gas chamber.

It was a very, very unpleasant smell.

"What smell, darling?" The elderly asked, spraying water on the few potted plants over the windowsill. "Oh, that might be the seolleongtang the new neighbor gave us just a while ago. You should try it, dear, it looks delicious."

"No, thank you," Felix says, taking a step back, "I-I need to go," Felix rushed across the room, almost stumbling to get to the bathroom where he made haste to open the lid of the toilet to empty his stomach.

He felt like his stomach was turning, his throat hurt.

"What's happening, dear? Are you okay?" His grandma asked, rubbing his back in a soothing motion.

Felix pulled himself up, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater while he flushed away what used to be the content of his stomach.

"I'm okay, it's just the seolleongtang. I don't like the smell, Ma. Are you sure it was still okay? It doesn't smell so nice." He asked, walking his way to the sink, gurgling briefly. He definitely needs to shower. He felt so gross. It was like he could taste it with his tongue, even though it was only the smell he had a whiff of.

"Darling, it was still hot when the neighbor brought it here. I'm sure it's freshly cooked." His grandma assured him, "Besides, how could you smell it from your room? It's not like he gave us more than a decent amount." She's not complaining, but rather asking. She was confused by Felix's reaction, and it's not like Felix wasn't either.

Alas, it's what he felt. He was never one to be picky; however, he dislikes the dish for some reason, and he hopes it burns in hell for all eternity.

"I don't know, Ma. Maybe I didn't close my door all the way." He supplies, walking with her back to the living room while he covered his nose. Yet, his stomach started churning once more as the smell gets stronger the closer they are from the source.

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