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Felix's patience is growing thin, or rather, his omega's.

He didn't know if it was because of the bond, but the need to see Hyunjin just kept growing stronger and stronger, and the longer he doesn't see the alpha the more agitated he gets.

Felix needed to discuss with him a few things —  he'd finally decide he'll do the right thing and lay it all out to Hyunjin after a long time of comprehension and a thousand buckets of tears. Yet he was nowhere to be found.

He's starting to think that Hyunjin is avoiding him on purpose, and the thought dug deeply within his chest.

Felix couldn't help it. Hyunjin used to show up everywhere, even to the places he wasn't invited to, and now he's off the planet.

The relief it gave Felix a few weeks back, is now replaced by a huge wave of misplaced longing. He felt like he missed Hyunjin. He longs for his scents, that much he could no longer deny.

The omega thought he could survive without Hyunjin — he thought he could defy the power the bond holds, but he just found himself crying at night, his chest in pain, his mind uneasy. A sour loser to a game he thought he had with destiny.

He knew what was wrong, and he tried to ignore it, too much, that his wolf kept on crying and Felix slowly felt like dying. It got to the point that his grandma would get immensely worried. His poor grandma refused to sleep at night, so she could take care of him.

Felix had been restless. He goes to his classes feeling like he's merely floating, unsettled, in pain.

Deciding that enough is enough after seeing how exhausted his grandma had been, the omega decided to just swallow it down. He decided to get Hyunjin himself, for his child and for his grandma. He can't just die this early, who will take care of his Mama?

Felix could suffer on his own, but seeing his grandma hurting along with him has to be the most painful thing he had seen.

The omega immediately took a pregnancy test that very evening he had that conversation with his grandma just to make sure, and surely, there were angry red lines on that piece of stick indicating a life was growing inside his stomach.

He hadn't yet been checked up, deciding he needed some time to fully sink everything in; hence he was taking it slow. First, Hyunjin, and then everything else. He just needs to do it one at a time.

Every step that he takes closer to Hyunjin's lecture makes his heart race a bit faster. He's so damn excited to get close to that stupid alpha, to feel his warm body next to him, to inhale his scent. He wanted to deny it, but he needed Hyunjin to survive — quite literally.

The omega couldn't control his exhilaration that kept on bubbling in his chest, at the same time the nervousness that lies beyond that. He's still afraid of what Hyunjin might say, or how he might react to this news, but it's whatever. They can come up with a compromise later.

"Excuse me, can I ask if Hyunjin is here?" Felix asked some random students he saw by the door of the lecture hall, once he reached.

"Yeah, do you want me to call him for you?" The dude asked nicely, while his other friends threw nasty looks at Felix's direction.

Way to go, Felix. You forgot he's got a name in this place, good job.

He mentally berated himself, unamused.

"Yes, please. Thank you," he replied nonetheless, which the guy only nodded before disappearing inside the room, then coming back a few seconds later scratching his head.

"Ah, it seems like it would be impossible for you to meet him at the moment. He's talking to the professor right now, I think he's kind of busy." The male says hesitantly.

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