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"I'm pregnant, Hyunjin." Felix took in a shaky breath, his chest puffed out in an attempt to calm himself. "I'm telling you this not because I'm expecting something from you, but because after careful consideration, I thought my child still deserves to know about his father, and so do you." The cuticles on the sides of Felix's fingernails are all torn off from his nervous tic and are now bleeding, but Felix couldn't stop himself. The situation is just too stressful for him. "You can say if you don't want anything to do with my pup. Howbeit, you cannot tell me what to do. I've decided I'll raise my child alone, even if you–"

"Can you say that again?"

The way Hyunjin said it was unreadable. His voice was so calm and monotonous and it effectively pierced through Felix's heart.

He already knew about it, still, that doesn't mean it would've prepared him from the pain of hearing the rejection fall from Hyunjin's lips first hand.

As an unwanted child, it pains him to hear that he couldn't give his kid a different reality than him.

"I just said that I just wanted to let you know. I'm not obligating you to fucking father my kid, nor am I asking you to be with us–"

"No, no, please, I just–" He suddenly felt a pair of arms around his body, Hyunjin's head resting on his back.

He was shaking, and Felix somehow understood why.

"I'm pregnant." He repeated more calmly, "you're gonna be a dad... whether you like it or not. But as I said, you're not obli–"

"Holy shit," Hyunjin's arms were trembling, his breathing was hot on Felix's nape, "Holy shit, I can't believe it. That's fucking amazing!"

Felix's crestfallen heart was lifted in a second. The genuine gaiety that drips off from Hyunjin's lips makes him hopeful. Maybe... Maybe his pup wasn't as unwanted as he thought it would be.

"You're– you're not mad?" Felix asked, his voice small and uncertain.

"Why would I? I feel a lot of things right now, but none of them are close to that." He inhaled, eliciting a ticklish sensation from Felix, "If anything, I'm overjoyed. I don't know how to put it, but I feel like I'm about to explode."

"You won't... tell me to abort it?"

Hyunjin abruptly pulled away, "oh my god, no!" He turned Felix around, making the omega face the taller. "If you decided to keep it, then I would love to be a part of this journey with you. I'll do the best I can to support you and our pup. I'll give you guys everything."

"Oh, no, you don't have to do that." Felix denied mindlessly. "I'd appreciate it if you would be there for us, but I don't want you to think that I'm appointing you as my mate as well. You could be the father to our child, but I won't stop you if you'd like to see other people, too." He smiles a small smile, "after all, it's not like we're in a relationship."

He didn't want to get in the way of Hyunjin. Felix was aware of how freely the alpha had lived his life with nightly parties and lots of pretty faces hanging on his arms.

Felix didn't want Hyunjin to think that he's taking it away from him. Them being mated and expecting, doesn't mean that he owns Hyunjin. As long as the alpha would be a good father to their kid and prevent Felix from dying, he could do whatever and live his life however he wants. Felix didn't want to be a hindrance to the alpha.

"Oh." Hyunjin took his hands off the omega as if he was burned, "right."

The taller stood up, turning his back on Felix, though before his face fully disappeared from Felix's sight, he caught a glimpse of disappointment and distress written on the alpha's face.

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