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The next day, Felix did as he normally does. He woke up, made breakfast for his grandma, spent some time with her until it was time for him to go to his first business of the day.

He was just glad one of his professors pulled out for today because that also meant he could go home early.

The omega hadn't heard anything from Hyunjin. He didn't try to contact him just in case he was sleeping in, considering his up-all-night to do his projects. Knowing the alpha (as deep or as shallow as Felix does) he'd probably sleep all day with reckless abandon and wake up some time in the afternoon. He's pretty much comatose for the entirety of the day, that much the omega was certain of.

Not like it was any of Felix's problems though. The omega knew Hyunjin could take care of himself... Though he wondered if he should bring him some soup just in case... Anyway, whatever.

When his last class got dismissed, the omega made haste putting his things back in his bag, checking his phone, and putting it back in his pocket as he saw no notification. Not like he's waiting for anything though.

But then his phone suddenly rang, making his skin almost jump out of his bones. He looked at the caller and saw his grandma, and his frown was suddenly replaced by a soft smile.

He answered the call while making his way out of the halls, headed for the university exit.

"Yes, Ma?"

"Yongbokkie, are you about to go home?"

Felix hummed, moving his way along with other students who were either going in or just like him, already meaning to leave.

Good thing his tutoring gig was also already done, earning a little extra as two of his student's cousins also sat in to learn with them.

It's pretty much a good day.

"Yes, Ma. My last class just ended and I'm about to go to the bus stop."

"That's good. Could you get grandma some beef and potatoes on your way?"

"Of course. Seems like you're planning to make something special, Ma."

He heard the grandma let out a soft laugh at the other end of the line which also effectively drew a smile on his lips.

"I am." She replied, her voice a little secretive, making Felix's brows pull together in suspicion, however, Felix didn't bother asking.

He didn't know what the occasion was, but he's happy just hearing excitement in his grandma's voice.

"Okay, Ma. I'll see you later."

"Take care, dear."

Then the call ended.

Just as Felix passed the gate, he heard someone calling for his name, and when he whipped around to see, he was met by someone he didn't remotely recognize.

"Hi, you're Lee Felix, right?"

When Felix got home, a delicious smell coming from the kitchen wafted to his nose making his stomach grumble, at the same time sweet sounds of laughter tickled his ears.

He beelined straight for the kitchen after, and his heart melted at the sight that he had witnessed. Hyunjin and his grandma going around the small kitchen, making – what Felix assumed was – dinner.

Hyunjin was cutting up the tofu while his grandma was mixing something in a pot as they were chitchatting and laughing together.

It was cute, and Felix almost cooed. He had never seen his grandma this happy talking to other people who were not Felix before. His grandma was the sweetest, most polite person there was, but he never saw her laugh like that when talking to others. It was heartwarming. It made Felix happy.

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