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Felix watched as Hyunjin talked to his friends.

They're now at his workplace. They arrived about three and a half hours ago, and as per usual, Hyunjin settled himself on one of the tables with the intention of keeping Felix company and waiting for his shift to end. Felix still had at least six hours to fill, but it was the alpha's personal choice to wait for him anyway, no matter how Felix tried to get him to leave.

Hyunjin chose to wait, claiming that he's just worried since Felix's shift would end at midnight.

Since complaining went past on deaf ears and reasons flew over a stubborn head, Felix gave up on it.

Then suddenly, as Felix was ringing an elder woman's items, a group of familiar faces came flooding in. Felix had seen them a handful of times before to know that those were Hyunjin's friends who frequented the club a few blocks away.

They had over a rather surprised expression once they saw Hyunjin at the corner table, then there grew a cheery crowd as they greeted the alpha, and Felix watched while they did handshakes and stuff, distracted as he thanked the elder woman he was currently assisting for her patronage.

Two men from the group came to the counter after a while, handing Felix packs of gum and a number of boxes of condoms varying in sizes and flavours.

"Also a pack of zesty," The male added.

Felix took the said item and rang it along with the other, glancing over at Hyunjin from time to time who's still engaged in a conversation with four other males, two noticeably a tad too close, even touching Hyunjin's arms. And he didn't know why, but it made him feel an unfamiliar discomfort. It was unsightly and inappropriate in a way he couldn't justify.

Felix handed the other his change, thanking him as said male went back to the table where their other friends were.

Not to be nosey, but by the looks of it, they seemed to be convincing Hyunjin into doing something. He could hear some words they said, but he couldn't be completely sure. He could see Hyunjin laughing a little then shaking his head, muttering words the omega wasn't able to make out.

After a while, the group left, leaving Felix and Hyunjin alone again.

"They were asking me to come along since it's one of our friends' birthday today. They were celebrating at Muddy Water's," Hyunjin explained even without Felix asking.

"Do you need to go?" Felix questioned, slipping on a chair opposite Hyunjin.

"No, I said I can't tonight."

The omega quirked up a brow, confused. "Why not? It's not like you're doing anything important anyway."

"Yes, I am. I'm pretty occupied keeping you company," Hyunjin replied, indifferent.

"I don't need you to guard me all the time, Hyunjin. You can go."

Six hours was too long to just sit down and do nothing. Hyunjin had been swamped with work for days, and then was the only time that he wasn't so busy, so why not spend it relaxing? He just hoped Hyunjin wouldn't come back smelling thickly of other scents because that's something he couldn't stand - which was also not possible considering the nature of a club, but that was something he was willing to overlook. Just that day. After all, he could just ask Hyunjin to take a shower and scrub it all away, maybe stay there until all of it was off and only his smell and Felix's was there.

The alpha hadn't been hanging out with his friends much for the past month, and Felix understood why, yet at the same time, Hyunjin shouldn't be putting distance with his friends like that. Felix didn't like that it felt as if he was snatching Hyunjin away. He could still meet with his friends and have some fun.

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