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Felix fiddled for a second, hesitating, thinking if it would really be a good idea to propose something like this, but in the end he just went with it.

He already asked, it would be rude to suddenly just take it back. Besides, his grandma had been asking him to have Hyunjin come ever since she learnt that they had figured things out, and the alpha wanted to be involved with the pregnancy and have this kid with him. His grandma was thrilled and she had been convincing Felix to let her meet Hyunjin.

The omega thought it would be the perfect time to do it since it's pretty late and the rain was heavy at the moment, which means the meeting wouldn't last long because the alpha will have  to go home eventually.

"What?" The alpha asked, confused.

Felix wouldn't even let him peek at the door, but now he wanted Hyunjin to come in? The omega could see how that was surprising.

"Come and rest for a while until the rain stops. Also, Ma wanted to meet you."

"Ma? Your grandma?" Hyunjin's eyes widened, suddenly looking so nervous. It was odd to see, especially when he had known the alpha to be always oozing with confidence, but now he was acting like it was his first time meeting a new person in his life. "Cupcake, I didn't even bring anything and–"

"Do you want to or not?"

"Can it be another time?"

"No, it can't." Felix says.

If not now, then it's never. He wouldn't know when he would feel comfortable enough again to make this happen, and if Hyunjin doesn't grab this now, he's afraid there won't ever be a next time.

He knew Hyunjin had been wanting to meet his grandma, too. But he didn't want to go against Felix's wishes, which was not to.

"Okay, okay," Hyunjin breathed out, "alright. Let's go in. It's getting colder, it's bad for the baby."

Felix nods, inserting his keys with Hyunjin in tow.

"Ma, I'm home." He announced, shaking his shoes off and so did Hyunjin, who took their shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet.

It's still eight in the evening and his grandma usually stays up until nine crocheting.

"Welcome home, dear. How's your day?" The moment the grandma stepped foot in the living room, a smile so graciously bloomed over her lips as she realized there's another person in there, "and who might this young alpha be?" She asked while inching closer to the two.

Felix kissed her forehead, helping her seat properly on her rocking chair before going on the opposite couch beside the alpha.

"It's okay." He replies, referring to her previous question while putting the coat away, "You've seen him before, Ma." He sighs, "this is Hyunjin the... person."

Hyunjin seemed to be confused by how Felix had introduced him but he smiled, nonetheless, standing up to make a 90° bow at the elder.

"Good evening, ma'am, I'm Hwang Hyunjin. I'm sorry for dropping by so suddenly without notice." He says politely.

"You can just call me grandma. Such a polite kid," She smiles, "and don't mention it," the grandma waved him off, "I've been meaning to meet you."

"You met each other before, Ma. You even told me about it." The omega piped in, already beginning to feel awkward.

"Well, yes, but I never got to know him since he needed to leave right away." She responds, "anyway, have you two eaten? I cooked kimchi jjigae and we also got mandoo." The elder uncovered the food on the small table, "there, let me heat it up for you."

Love UntoldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz