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Maybe Felix was spending too much of his time with Hyunjin. He swears they've become pretty inseparable the whole week, basically attached to the hip all because the alpha refused to leave him alone, claiming it was all for his pup that he wanted to be there for Felix to provide him with anything he needed.

Anything that Felix asks for, even though he doesn't really need anything.

The alpha was guarding him like a loyal dog, despite his busy schedule. Hyunjin was almost always everywhere, and Felix's classmates also began piling up around them whenever they saw the alpha. Some of which would try so hard to get Hyunjin's attention that they would also sometimes strike up a conversation with Felix, just 'cause they knew Hyunjin always had his eyes on him.

It happened almost every day to almost all of his classes that it had begun to be a pain in Felix's ass.

Personally, it was fine, but since Felix didn't want to associate much with his classmates or just anyone in general, it grew annoying to him over time. The shorter dislikes how they would sometimes get too close to him, invading his personal space just to get close to Hyunjin.

It has also become painfully hard to do group assignments and meeting-up for projects with them, since Hyunjin would always be looming so close to him, and his group mates would always get distracted by the alpha that the meetings would often end up with them having nothing done.

What's more annoying is that some classmates would sometimes volunteer to group with Felix just so they could be in Hyunjin's presence... It's really starting to get on his nerves yet, he was always forced to pick one of the many who wanted to be paired with him for all the wrong reasons.

Other betas and omegas alike found it a blessing, being close to Hyunjin. To them, it's like being graced with the most elusive star that was so far out of reach, aside from being aloof. But for alpha's like the taller, it's become quite problematic, as Hyunjin would always have that look on his face when they so much as try to strike up a conversation with Felix, even if it's regarding academics.

At first, it became quite odd seeing them together from an outsider's standpoint, especially when the closeness was almost too sudden... for them at least, since Felix never fails to cover his mating mark with a generous amount of concealer and other things to make the skin appear as smooth and unblemished. To them, they're probably just an odd pair the whole universe didn't see coming, and Felix has yet to know what to feel about that.

But maybe he had slowly begun to get used to Hyunjin's presence around him as well. The other's scents always flooding Felix's nostrils that the omega couldn't help but be bothered by the silence that had awakened by the lack of the alpha's company, left by his absence that day since Hyunjin said he had some business to take care of.

Felix assumed it had something to do with university stuff, too, so he just shrugged him off and thanked the alpha for the peace he thought he would have, but his omega was very much despising everything at the moment.

"Felix, you're coming to the gathering, right?" One of his seniors asked while he was fixing his things in his bag after class. If he remembers correctly, this person was one of the officers of their department.

"Uh... actually–"

"Pres said that attendance is mandatory since we're also to officially welcome the newcomers." The beta cut through, sensing Felix's reluctance since he's always declined on casual meet-ups with them unless it's a matter of life and death, and a yes is the only thing that could save the world from exploding.

"But I really..." He sighs, "Okay, but would it be fine if I don't stay long? I still have work at nine." He doesn't, but he didn't want to spend his time sitting awkwardly with people he didn't care about either.

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