Talking to Him Again

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I had asked Mom to drop me off early to school so I would have more time to ask Conner about his family recipe. But, standing there awkwardly by myself, I regretted my decision. Why did I expect Conner to be here already? Yes, there were other students around me who were used to coming this early. But why did I think Conner would be one?

I kept an eye on the incoming cars. Nope, nope, not him. Then I saw the bus rolling in. It made a stop and I watched as kids piled out of there. After about ten students passed- there he was!

Conner was talking to Jeremiah as they walked towards the school entrance. But then Conner stopped and tried to take something out of his backpack, and Jeremiah waved and walked on. Now was my chance!

"Hey, Conner. How are you today?" I stepped up to him. Conner had put his heavy backpack on the ground to rummage in it, so I had to look down to where Conner was crouching.

"Oh, hey, I'm good. Yourself?"

"Great. So, my mom is super interested in your family recipe. And she's wondering- actually we're all at my house wondering- how do you prepare your lobster and raspberries dish?"

Conner looked at me with a surprised smile. "Wow, you really want to know? Well, ok."

So Conner loosely explained the recipe to me, thankfully without cooking times and exact proportions (though I knew Mom would want exacts). It wasn't a salad or a pie. Conner's father would cook the lobster first with regular seasonings. During that time, he'd make a sauce using raspberry and pomegranate juice with a slight hint of caramel. Once the lobster was half cooked, Conner's dad would cut deep into the ridges of the lobster's underside and infuse the sauce into it. (Like stuffing a turkey, I thought). The sauce would get cooked with the lobster to its completion. But that wasn't Conner's favorite part.

"Then, at the last second, you put in uncooked raspberries, strawberries, and pomegranate seeds into the ridges that the sauce went in."

I asked him why those fruits weren't added in with the sauce, and Conner responded,

"That would change the whole thing! See, the freshness and texture of the raspberries wouldn't be so great if it were cooked."

"So, you must like the raspberries the best, out of the fruits?"

Conner looked a bit embarrassed. "That's why I call it lobster with raspberries instead of lobster with pomegranate. But my dad has a really poetic name for it."

"Ooh, is it in German?"

Conner laughed at my enthusiasm. "The translation is 'lobster meets his love'. My mother and I would always tease my dad and say that he should write a drama about the lobster and the strawberry falling in love."

"I'd most definitely read that drama." I paused. "Or maybe I'd write it."

We both burst out laughing. By this time, Conner had stood up. His backpack was still unzipped on the floor.

"Oh, hey, I guess I should let you find what you were looking for. It's not long before class starts."

Conner leaned over and zipped up his bag. "I can find it later. It's not important now."

I restrained my urge to ask what Conner had been looking for. Maybe he has a Nintendo Switch in his bag. That would be so cool! Conner's voice brought me back to reality.

"Should we start heading to class?"

"Uh, yeah. Sounds great."

Conner and I started walking together. I only now noticed how weirdly he walked. Conner seemed to be pushing against the ground with so much force, I was tempted to say he was holding back a jump! It was like someone trying to walk with wet cement on their feet. I kept this hilarious thought at the back of my mind as we talked together.

"Anith, there you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Ava and the girls suddenly appeared in front of me.

I was confused. "I was literally by the front entrance this entire time. You didn't find me?"

Brie complained to Rosie, "I knew we should've checked by the entrance!"

Raya remarked. "But you never stay there for long, Anith. Why were you there this entire time?"

I was silent for a moment, but then Conner answered. "We were talking over there once I got off the bus. Anith wanted my lobster recipe for her mom."

Jenna restrained a laugh. "I was actually wondering about that. Anith, could you share it with me?" Jenna's voice seemed kind and smooth as butter, but I knew what she was doing. And I wasn't gonna let Jenna get her satisfaction.

"Of course, I could. It sounds really delicious. I think you'd all like the recipe."

Ava's eyes widened. "Not me. I don't eat seafood."

"Oh, are you allergic?" Conner asked.

Ava rolled her eyes. "No, it just looks weird."

Conner and I made eye contact. He said, "Well, this recipe isn't for you then."

Jenna shrugged. "Yeah, most of us don't like lobster or fish."

"But you do, because you want the recipe, right?" I said it ultra-sweet and gave her a taunting smile. I knew that Jenna hated seafood as much as Ava. Though I loved her dearly, I had to expose Jenna. I wouldn't let her bully Conner. More than that, I couldn't let her bully seafood (I love a good fish fillet any day).

Jenna had a brief look of embarrassment. "Uh, yeah, I still want the recipe. To try seafood out again."

Conner smiled, but I could see his niceness was mainly addressed to me. "Then, I could ask my dad to write out the whole recipe in full detail. I really hope you like it."

With that, the school bell rang. Conner and I shared a smile of "those girls are totally missing out" before walking into class and sitting down.


I couldn't find any lobster and rasberry recipes that I thought would fit, so I made my own!  I have no idea how it tastes, so don't try it thinking it's gonna be the best thing ever. 

Now you may be wondering, why didn't I make Conner's favorite food an actual German dish? This is entirely intentional, you'll just have to wait and see what it means.

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