Finally, He's Healing Up

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I had about fifteen minutes before school started. Noah and I were standing by the curb, waiting for the other boys to come on the bus.

Noah turned towards me.  "Them getting off the bus won't be a spectacle anymore. Conner's off his crutches starting today."

"Oh, really? That's good."

Noah shrugged. "Yeah, after a week of that, I started thinking that Conner using crutches would bring more harm than good."

I laughed and then scolded myself. "Ah, I feel so bad! We should stop constantly making fun of him. I even told my parents about how funny Conner is. They did not approve."

Noah laughed too. "I would say that's messed up, but I can't blame you. The boy's a hurricane."

At that moment, the bus parked in front of us, and we moved aside as kids stepped out of it. Soon enough, Andrew, Jeremiah, and Conner got out.

"Congratulations, bro!" Noah gave Conner a happy pat on the back.

Conner shook his head. "I'm so happy that nightmare is over."

Jeremiah told me and Noah, "So Conner still has to be careful with how he walks. You know what that means. No running or speed-walking, you two."

"Shouldn't you be telling Andrew that?" I lifted an eyebrow.

Jeremiah smiled. "I already told him. So now you three are covered, you trio of trouble."

We laughed and started walking towards some benches before sitting down. I noticed how Conner held on to Jeremiah's shoulder for extra support when he walked.

Resuming the conversation, Andrew pointed out, "You know, Jeremiah, if we're the trouble trio, then you and Conner are the daycare duo."

"What? We're not even in daycare!" Jeremiah protested.

Andrew shook his head. "I didn't mean that. I meant you're, like, the overprotective daycare workers."

"No, are you crazy?!"

Conner and I made eye contact and he shrugged, like I can't argue. Andrew's right. And I most definitely agreed! Conner and Jeremiah would never kill a fly-- not because they had pity on the little thing, but because Conner wouldn't want to see the guts and Jeremiah would dread any fly diseases. So, down to the bone, I knew they'd be the daycare duo, no questions asked. (Plus, it's a fun silly name to tease them with).

Some time passed and then Jeremiah checked his phone. "It's seven minutes til class starts! We gotta start moving."

Conner turned to Jeremiah. "We don't have to go until the warning bell rings. Like, last week, I waited in the parking lot until it went off, and then I went to class."

"You waited that long even though you were in your crutches?" Jeremiah asked. Conner nodded. "Well, did you make it on time?"

At this Conner smiled awkwardly. "I was a few minutes late. But you get my point!"

"But why were you waiting in the parking lot?" I asked.

Conner blinked twice. "Uh, well, I, uh, was talking to somebody there."

"Ooh, you made a new friend? Backstabber." Andrew smiled and gave Conner a nudge.

Conner shook his head. "No, it was just a parent asking about my foot."

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