Oh, Hey... My Love.

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I blinked twice from the surprise of seeing her. Maeya waved semi-awkwardly, but there was no mistaking the ear-to-ear smile on her face. My own face flushed, and I figured I was blushing, but I hoped no one could see it.

They definitely could. My family started giggling and the phone-projector passed hands until it was given to Maeya. It shook a bit in her grasp, and I saw her golden eyes widen a bit as my mom guided her to another room. Mama happily said,

"She had been waiting with us most of the day, just in case you called early. I'm so happy it worked! Now, you two can finally catch up. And we won't bother you during that, will we? No, we won't."

My siblings and cousins voiced their complaints, but Mom scolded them to silence. I heard her loudly remind me from offscreen, "Just remember to call us again after your report!" before the sound came of the door being shut.

There was a moment of silence as me and Maeya just stared at each other. My heart was beating fast, and the stillness was closing in. I knew I had to say something, but my brain wasn't loading right. Not when she looked so happy to see me.

"So..." she shrugged. "I haven't heard anything at all except what your sisters sometimes tell me. Earth sounds pretty interesting. It might make a good home for some of us, I think."

"Oh, yeah, I agree." I nodded, while trying to not imagine the pink Achi-Pimientyens enslaving the humans. "So, if you heard what I told my sisters, would you still like me to explain some stuff or...?"

"Yes, of course!" Maeya beamed. "I wanna know whatever you would want me to know. There's something special about you telling me. I miss your voice and the way you talk."

I flushed for the second time on the call and answered, "Well, then, I think you'd be shocked to hear that Earthens don't have one council leading the whole planet with different subsections underneath it, but different territories called 'countries' that each have their own separate governments."

"Like how we were in the Confused Age of the 10,200s?" Maeya asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah. And, moreover, their rulers aren't chosen by hair color or other tell-tale signs appointed by the gods. Some nations have monarchs who are chosen and then have their descendants rule 'til they're so awful a revolt starts. Disorganized to me, I think. And as for the USA, the place I'm in, (which stands for the United States of America), they practice something called democracy. Basically, the humans elect those in power, and they have three branches of government inside of one government. Like it's a tree!"

"Wow, sounds like a mess. And hard to understand."

I laughed with a sigh. "Ah, it's funny to see me in history class. I know the organization briefed me on Earth's state of affairs before I left for here, but it can be so complicated to figure out what Earthens are saying whenever they talk about politics."

"Sounds like they need a voice of wisdom to guide them," Maeya hinted with a tilt of her head. "They'll thank us later, really. The bloodshed shall lead to enlightenment, as they say."

I felt a pit grow in my stomach. "They have their own culture too, though. We'll need to respect it or else they'll get restless. We can't have a repeat of Rebellion Chrutljadi."

Maeya chuckled. "Have you missed the last fifty years? The Deities can handle rebellions better than ever. No one would even dare. Especially not such primitive creatures as humans, who don't even have gods to appoint their officials."

I sighed, wishing my fiancé hadn't been brainwashed like the rest of them.

I used to think the same way, but now, being on earth, I couldn't help but wonder if Achi-Pimientu was wrong. I thought of my friends at school, and Alana, and even the people I passed in the street. Killing and enslaving them for their own "enlightenment" couldn't be right.

I spoke, "Honestly, I wish my deal here was just set and done. I'll wait for my mission to be complete, then I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Back to me, you say?" Maeya smiled like she caught me flirting. She looked so pretty I got embarrassed and stuttered,

"I-I meant my family in general, or anyone else I know over where you are. Not that I don't want to be with you. I do, like, a lot. But, you know, my family as well, and, well-"

Her laughter cut me off. "I love when you're flustered. Whether you frown or smile or laugh awkwardly, you're always cute, Nashtalat (my love)."

Nashtalat? I pondered the word and couldn't help but smile (which made Maeya seem even happier). I realized it had been so long since I talked to Maeya, that I forgot how she made me feel. But now, all of a sudden, all of the fluttery emotions and butterflies were coming back. It felt wrong to think Anith was beautiful. I had been engaged to Maeya the whole time, and not without reason.

"If I'm cute, then you must be beautiful, Nashtaleta (the female version of my love). You're the one with the golden eyes."

Her pink cheeks reddened, and she looked at the ground. "Oh, what's happening to us? You're making me blush like a fool."

I shrugged and laughed, "I'm just telling the truth."

Right then, I glanced at my alarm clock and saw it was 2:35. It usually took twenty minutes for me to prepare (mainly mentally) for my important call, so I knew I should excuse myself in five minutes. But that didn't mean that I wanted to.

I worked on my better judgement and gave Maeya a heads-up that I needed to end the call soon. She responded,

"Oh, no problem! Must be exciting to talk to, you know..." she let out an excited squeal.

I nodded, but it was a bit too much because I had to steady my hair afterwards. "Oh, I wish you had a projector and that I could call more! I'd love to tell you all about it."

"Well, I'll be staying around to hear you call back with your family, if they'll let me stay."

"They better! You're my okasiutlu (future wife)!" I huffed. "And I'm sure my parents will be good in-laws; it's in their nature."

Maeya sighed with relief. "I hope so. And I hope you'll have an amazing month and an amazing life, and that we'll be reunited soon. I'd love to give you a big hug once we meet in person."

"Same here." I imagined her running up to embrace me as soon as I got off the spaceship. "Take care, Maeya. I miss you and... and I love you. Don't worry about me, but just remember me and our promises to each other."

"I will, Nashtalat."

And with that, I ended the call, wondering with a jolt if I meant the things I had just said to her.

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