A Bit of Fun

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"Mom, they're coming in ten minutes!" I ran around frantically, making sure everything was organized and cleaned.

Mom ran by with a broom. "Everything's done. All I have to do is sweep this last corner." She did so as we spoke.

Suddenly, my stress was gone. Everything was cleaned, and the snacks were already in their bowls. "Mom?" I asked. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"You just wait. C'mon, we should go outside so we can receive them once they get here."

We closed the front door behind us. It was hot and the sun was right in my face. I looked away from the glare and to Dad's garden. It looked ship-shape as ever (though I've always questioned why he puts cacti next to roses). I wondered what the boys would think about the garden.

I heard the noises of an approaching car and looked to the cul-de-sac. A small black car was parking right to the side of our house. Conner got out of the car and turned towards me, grabbing his backpack.

"Hey, Anith! How are you?" Conner walked to where I was.

"I'm great. You too?" I replied, then noticed a man getting out of the car's driver seat and stepping behind Conner. It must be his dad. Wow, his hair is even blonder than Conner's. "Hello, Mr. Jimson. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You as well." He shook my hand and then my mom's. I was expecting for the parents to talk for forever, but Mr. Jimson quickly excused himself and drove away.

Conner turned towards me. "Are any of the others here yet?"


"Well, I don't mind waiting outside with you. I wouldn't want to miss them."

"Are you sure?" Mom asked with surprise. "It sure is hot out here."

Conner shrugged. "Yeah, it's no problem. By the way, nice garden."

I stifled a laugh. "My dad likes plants a lot. He's got a whole pretty and spiky design going on here."

"I noticed. That's what I like about it. Reminds me of my mom." Conner smiled and nodded. He looked at me, "But you don't like it, huh? I see it on your face."

"Oh, well, uh. It's just not my type. Too much of a contrast for me. I may not seem like the kind of girl who likes pretty stuff, but I wish my dad just went with roses."

Conner shrugged. "If I wanted only one type of plant here, I'd go with the cactus. They're strong and confident."

"Yeah, but happens if you trip and fall into it?"

"What happens if you trip and fall into a rose bush?" Conner countered.

"Touché." I looked at the road to draw attention away from my defeat. "I wonder who'll come next."

"I bet Noah will be late." A second passed. "Wait, is that Noah's car?"

I recognized the white 5-seater that Noah always came to school in. "Conner, were you actually betting? Cuz I'd take the money."

He glanced at me before turning to Noah as he got out of the car. "Hey, Noah, what's up?"

"Nothing much. Excited to be here, and not excited to study."

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