Rhythm of My Life

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I sat down at the desk in my room. My computer was open in front of me, and I read what I just wrote on it.

It's been three months since school started. Time has flown by, and my hopes for this year have settled. Again. What I wanted was a really interesting time. I've gotten that, but what now? I never knew things being more interesting can turn boring over time.

I asked my mom what to do about my incoming boredom, and she told me "Anith, you just need to remind yourself that a lot has happened". That's why I'm writing this. A crash course of the past three months.

I looked away from my computer. Yeah, I know it's cheesy! But this document is just for me, so it doesn't matter. I forced my eyes back to the computer and kept reading.

So, my world got shaken up by a new boy at the first day of school. Conner's cool, my friends were dramatic, I broke the norm. Etc. Etc. Then my friends let me be. I got closer to Conner and the boys in general. We hang out a lot altogether. Practically after every class, except when I'm with my girl friends. (Yes, the SuperAwesome 6 is still together. But the girls refuse to talk to the boys with me. I've ditched our girls' table for the guys' sometimes. Haha, I love to watch their faces when I do that.)

*Except, I have to mention that Conner doesn't talk to us right after English class. He stays behind to ask Mrs. Kumali questions. From what I know, he struggles with the terminology and vocab in class. It's because his dad would help Conner study at his old school, but his dad would give the vocab in German. At that time back then, Conner knew which English words corresponded to which German ones. But the English side of the vocab must've been short term memory. So he struggles a bit in English, but Mrs. Kumali seems very understanding.*

I also have to mention a rather surprising fact. Mom tried to make Conner's lobster recipe... and she did it bad! Overcooked and over salted. I never knew my mom could cook something badly before now! (Yeah, she's that good at what she does. But I understand why this recipe is hard for her. Before it, Mom never cooked lobster). Mom tried 3 more times after her first epic fail. I quite liked her newest version, but she doesn't accept it. Mom is sure that Conner's dad makes it SO delicious that it should be her favorite food at first try. Everything that isn't worthy of being her favorite food isn't it. I tried to tell Mom that her expectations are too high, but she won't listen.

Other than that stuff... What's happened? Low-key not much. School. Friends. Mom is starting another local movie project at our church. Should be fun and funny; I love the way Mom directs mini films. And Dad is his normal, jokey, amazing self.

In reality, life is great. It's sweet and cool and happy. But just a bit boring, unfortunately.

I looked away at my work and shrugged to myself. It did its job; I felt a bit better about this year. But did I feel good? Eh... I was still bored. Maybe I should talk to Mom more.

At dinner time, I brought up my problem.

"Maybe we should enroll you in another after-school activity." Dad suggested. "You only have soccer on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Maybe we should add something else."

"Like what? I'm not into many other sports."I thought for a moment, "Dancing could be a fun, I guess."

Mom smiled widely. She loved the thought of me in dance since I was a kid. I had stopped in fourth grade, but maybe I could start it up again?

"I have another idea, too." Mom said. "You could come with me to the film shooting at church. I know it doesn't sound like much, compared to the crazy big Hollywood movies. But we have talent and a lot of fun on the set."

"Of course I'd like to go! Why wouldn't I? The film doesn't have to be big to be great."

Dad grinned at Mom. "See, that's what I'm always telling you."

Mom looked at me again. "But, Anith, I have to say that you're not having friends over as much as you used to."

"Mom, you know how me and the girls are drifting apart. I don't want to have them over. Being with them at school is enough for me."

"But why not invite some boys over?"

Dad and I looked at Mom with wide eyes. "Are you serious, Alana?" he asked.

"I mean, why not? It could be to study for a test or something like that. And if me or you are here, Abram, there should be no mischief."

"But, Mom, everyone will think I'm crushing on one of the boys. They'll make fun of me for it."

"Will the boys in your friend group think that, or those outside of it?" Mom asked.

I thought for a moment. "Well, the boys I hang out with are really cool. I think Jeremiah, Conner, Andrew, and Noah most definitely wouldn't make fun of me. I'm not sure about Chris and Brian, though."

Dad shrugged. "You could invite those four boys you trust without letting anyone else know and I or Mom could be here to make sure they don't break anything."

I smiled. "You know, that actually sounds fun. Maybe I'll invite them over."

"I'm free this Saturday." Mom suggested.

"Sure, I'll talk to them at school tomorrow."

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