Nice to Hear Your Voice

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I sat on my bed in thought. I had just written in my nightly journal, and I pondered over the day. I sighed with a contented smile. Then, I laid down under my blankets.

Suddenly, I found my body shaking uncontrollably. My teeth were chattering; my hands were twitching. What was happening?! It was unlike anything I'd ever felt- like an earthquake inside of me! I looked around in panic and sat up. Across my vision, I saw Caulymetti (who you would know as "Conner") sitting opposite from me.

"Oh, my goodness," I whispered.

I looked in awe at my surroundings. My bedroom, with its pink curtains and marbled floor, was cut in half from its usual size. The missing half was filled with Caulymetti's real-life placement on Earth. I could see dirty concrete walls around him, and homeless men sleeping beside him on the floor.

Caulymetti himself was sitting down in his human disguise. Gah, how disgusting the skin of those primitive creatures looked over his natural work of art! Not only that, but there were smudges all over his face. The blond wig he wore was messy too.

It was my first time seeing his human form. My first instinct was to feel repulsed. I wish he would've looked normal! But then he met my gaze. Suddenly, I felt breathless. His eyes were as dashing as ever. It was as if he was spell-bound like I was, with a million words to say, but no way to say them.

"Nashtalat... you, you called on the Nashtalamki Toka?" I asked, trying not to blush.

The Nashtalamki Toka was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for betrothed lovers to share a mental space. I was in his mind, and he was in mine. I knew something must have been wrong- after all, why else would he appear homeless?- but I couldn't stop my heart from trembling at the intimacy. My mother always spoke as if Conner didn't love me or remember me enough to do such a religious and personal gesture. But here my fiancé was, across from me. If my mother came into my room now, she would see me stretched out as if I was sleeping deeply. But if only she knew the privilege of what I was perceiving! Then she wouldn't laugh at me anymore.

Caulymetti now answered my question. "Yes, darling, and please forgive me! I had to call you for help. I'm in a situation I never meant to get myself in. Please listen- and closely. Don't judge until I tell you everything."

I sat closer to the foot of my bed, attentive. I gestured for him to continue.

My fiancé sighed heavily. "Remember our facetime on the ueika chantlostya (projector)? Well, you know I had to present my findings to the Deities right afterwards. Unfortunately... I spoke my mind out of turn. I told them that they'd need to compromise with the Earthens to make them join our Reconstruction agendas. Toani interpreted the information as if I was telling him how to rule. Of course, I would never intend such a thing! But now the Deities have pronounced that our earthly agents ought to hunt down and kill me."

My eyes widened. I was shocked. "B-b-but, why are you contacting me? Are you trying to stop officials here from tracking you?" There was an edge to my voice.

"Of course, Nashtaleta. Please, don't inform them of this Nashtalamki Toka! I know you'll be in a lot of risk, but-"

"What an understatement!" I fumed. "If they come to me in a month, telling me to use this connection to find your location, and I can't- I'll be considered a traitor too! There's no way that I-"

I stopped and rethought things. It was my duty to bring Caulymetti under the law. But, to do that most effectively, it could be beneficial for him to think I was on his side completely. I pretended to sigh out of love-sadness. "But, then again, they may stop looking for you by that time. And, then, it would have been worth it to keep my lover safe."

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