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Jungkook's POV

Obviously, after hearing V insult me, seeing my girlfriend being pushed off and hug him, I would kill him.

I went up and pushed him to the floor. I wanted to punch him, but Yeri threw me away. Literally, threw.

"No!" Yeri said. "You can't hurt Taehyung. I swear, if you do, you'll end up like... Oh my Gosh! Seulgi!"

"W-What?" V was in daze. "N-No. I-I didn't mean to p-push her down. No. Seulgi!"

"V." I held him back. "After what you did to J-Hope, I couldn't forgive you. But Seulgi? I won't ever even consider you a part of BTS."

"Jungkook!" V shouted. "I admit, pushing Seulgi was wrong, it was my fault. But J-Hope? I told you a million times I didn't do it!"

"Huh," I said. "Still denying it? Wait until Park Jimin gives us that body analysis about Hope. I'm sure you're guilty."

Then, I raced down towards Seulgi. She was semi-conscious. The blood on her head was flowing.

"W-Watch out," said Seulgi. "I might not be there when Yeri needs me. Park Joy. Be careful of her. A-Ask the FBI for help. I-Irene. Call her in as a transfer student—"

She was unconscious. "Call the ambulance," I shouted. "Quickly! She needs one right away!"

"I did!" Krystal shouted back. "It's on it's way. Now, Yeri. Just do.. Whatever the FBI told you to do when facing emergency."

"Wait," I said, in tears. "Seulgi said FBI, you said FBI. Are you guys associated with them? Yeri, are you and Seulgi one of them?"

"No time to explain," said Yeri. "Now, carry Seulgi. I can't waste time. No, I'll carry her by myself. And V.. please say that it was an accident."

Seulgi's POV

I dreamt. A dream that was a reality in the past. I was a kid. Where I was supposed to meet the FBI chief, but was kidnapped. There was a boy tied up beside me.

"Hey," I said slowly. "Are you okay? You look pale. I will be an FBI. So count on me. I have some water."

"P-Please," said the boy. "I need water, food. Anything. I've been here more than one week."

I gave him the water and he drank it thirstyly. I only smiled because I helped someone at the age of seven.

"Jung Hoseok," said the boy. "My name is Jung Hoseok. And.. I'm seven. You look seven too. And oh, do you want some drugs? My father gave them and it's super yummy."

Since I was born in an FBI family, I knew that drugs were illegal since I was three. What crazy father would give his child drugs?

The next thing I remembered was the FBI saving us. Hoseok and I parted and I've never saw him since then.

It was a blur when I woke up. Lights were shining. People was crowding me. Then, I saw Jungkook shedding some tears.

"Jungkook," I said. "What's wrong? Oh, I'm not dead. I'm still alive. And please, everyone, can you guys leave us alone? Except Yeri and—"

I saw V. He tried smiling at me, but I only resisted from swearing at him.

"Whatever," said Sehun. "And Kang Seulgi, note that you have some bandage on your head. I swear, it's hilarious."

Ugh. I knew it. My head was stitched. And boy, I felt like it was the end of the world. It hurt.

"Nothing," said Jungkook. "It's just.. you said Jung Hoseok in your sleep. It reminded me of my cousin, J-Hope."

I just slept after a few more conversation with Yeri cause I felt like my head was about to explode. Then, I heard a trigger and woke up.

"I'm killing you," said Joy with a grin.

To be continued

Snow In My Heart. 내 마음 의 눈 (Red Velvet Seulgi, Yeri, Joy and BTS V, Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now