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Seulgi's POV

"Jin," I said. "Was that.. Joy who called you? Cause, I saw her picture."

"Uhh," said Jin. "No, it wasn't. That wasn't Joy. It was, uhm, my little sister. Lots of people at the FBI said that she looked like Joy. Yeah, the FBI knows about Joy now thanks to, uh, Yeri's kidnapping."

I was still suspicious, but why would Jin lie? He didn't have a reason to do so.

Then, I got back home. But, I saw something I didn't expect. Someone who was wearing a mask was holding onto Yeri, then he.. teleported!

I was dumbfounded. I immediately called Kai, and in a second—literally, a second—he arrived at my house by teleporting.

"Why?" Kai said. "What's wrong? Yeri was kidnapped again, I know, but what made you panic that much?"

"Kai!" I shouted. " 'She was just kidnapped'? Are you kidding me? This is serious! And.. the person who took Yeri, he teleported."

"What?" Kai said. "No, that's not possible. I made a research. And nobody outside of EXO has powers!"

"I heard," Krystal just slammed her way into my house. "Okay, more like I read. But I think Jin was right. Maybe Kris is the culprit."

"Wait," I said. "From what I know, that guy teleported. Not flew. And let's confirm it with Jeon Jungkook, shall we?"

Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

Yeri's POV

I was threw into a brightly lit room, with nobody in it. I was scared, and I knew Joy was behind all of this.

After a few hours of waiting without food nor water, I just felt as if somebody was crushing my heart.

I heard footsteps. I hugged my legs and prayed to God that nothing will happen to me.

"Here." A husky voice said. "Take this, and don't use it now. And sshh, don't tell anyone. By the way, use it when you think you need it."

I lifted my head and Kris smiled sweetly. He gave me a syringe. He kept telling me not to tell anyone.

I didn't trust him, of course I didn't. He worked for Joy. But what other choice do I have? He left later onwards.


In the middle of finding Jungkook, Seulgi suddenly called me. I followed her to behind the alley.

"What's wrong?" I said. "Are you not okay? Let me hug you, you'll feel better."

She pushed me away.

"No," she said with tears in her eyes. "This is all your fault! If only I didn't meet you, none of this would've happened to Yeri! You're bad luck! I want to separate."

"What?" I said. "I'm sorry, but did I hear wrong? Did you just say that you wanna breakup with me?"

"Yes," Krystal budged in. "She just said that, so goodbye. Don't ever look for her again."

Seulgi's POV

I was crying buckets. It was for Yeri's sake. I broke up for Yeri's sake.

"It's okay," said Krystal. "You did the right thing. This way, Kris won't hurt Yeri."

About thirty minutes ago, I received a message from KakaoTalk. Someone who had Kris as his profile picture sent it. So I assumed it was Kris.

Kang Seulgi, I have Yeri as my hostage. Break up with Kim Taehyung and everything'll be okay. And oh, if you don't, you'll see Suho's water power in action.

I didn't tell anyone else except Krystal. And I didn't really understand the last part. Then, Irene came running.

"Guys!" Irene said. "I got something from Park Jimin. You know that Kai's blood was taken in for scientists, right? Guess what, all of that is missing now. And the DNA can make someone who stole it have Kai's power."

"So," I said. "What are you saying here, cousin?"

"There's a mole in the FBI."

To be continued

Snow In My Heart. 내 마음 의 눈 (Red Velvet Seulgi, Yeri, Joy and BTS V, Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now