Twenty One

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Yeri's POV

"What the heck?" I said after pushing Jungkook. "I'm here for love lessons, n-not to k-kiss you."

"Oho," said Henry. "You are, but are you happy or something? You look so red. And that is part of the lesson. Teaching you how to kiss."

"What?" I exclaimed. "But do I have to kiss Jungkook? Okay, I don't wanna learn how to kiss. Just.. how to make V like me. And.. did Jungkook practice kissing with you Henry?"

"No!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Why would I kiss a Canada guy? He made me practice with a mannequin."

"Haha," I laughed. "Now, let's proceed."

After about an hour and a half, I waved goodbye towards Henry and Jungkook brought me home.

But suddenly, Jungkook pinned me to the wall. That made my FBI instincts jump in and I accidentally kicked his golden spot.

"Oh God," I said. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do so! But, you made my FBI instincts jump in!"

"Sorry too," said Jungkook. "I just wanted to test you. But if V does that to you, don't kick him there. It hurts."

Jungkook's POV

We bought some late night snacks for the four of us, maybe five, if Krystal was still in the hospital.

When we entered Yeri's ward again, something shocking was happening inside. Yeri dropped the snacks in shock.

V and Seulgi were in a deep kiss.

When they heard the snacks fall, the immediately broke away from the kiss.

"Oh," said Yeri. "I-I'm sorry if I interrupted anything. J-Just bought you guys some late night snacks."

"Yeri!" Seulgi said. "I told Jungkook not to bring you out! Why are you two so selfish? That wound may open at any time and—forget it."

"What?" Yeri said. "You're just worried about me now? What if you didn't see this late night snack. You'd probably go and kiss every guy you see!"

"Yeri, that's not true—"

"So?" Yeri said. "What's true? The fact that we both like V and I'm the only one hurting? That sounds true to you? You said that your heart was already broken to pieces, right? Well, guess what. My heart is already destroyed! Maybe my other sister would understand me better!"

Yeri was crying. She went running out. I chased her. And at that time, a big truck came. Yeri was right infront of that truck. I pulled her and hugged her.

She cried into my shirt. God, my life was like a drama. I hugged her so tightly, so that no one but me would hear her crying.

"Stop crying," I said. "You said you wanted V, but you just cried away. Don't worry, Henry the Love expert is still there at his apartment to help us."

"Hey," said Krystal from behind me. "Why are you guys hugging? Oh, Yeri. What's wrong? Come, tell me everything."

Yeri went to hug Krystal and the three of us walked back inside, where Seulgi was stressed out. V was nowhere to be found, again.

"Yeri," said Seulgi. "I'm so, so sorry. It's just that.. V pulled me into that kiss. I-I couldn't resist it."

"What?" V appeared out of nowhere. "Are you crazy, Kang Seulgi? I only pinned you to that wall. You were the one who kissed me! From now on, I won't be here. I won't be in love with you anymore."

Yeri's POV

Seulgi wanted to chase V, but he flew away. Literally, flew. I had some suspicion, so I checked the syringe Kris gave me.

It was empty. And through that, I could see a message.

Yeri, if you are reading this, it means either you or someone else used this syrInge. Let me tell you, that's actually my DNA or power. So, you can fly if you injected this to yourself.

Everyone silenced. I was so, so eager to know what or who was behind me, but my instincts told me not to. I turned anyways.

Joy was holding a knife.

To be continued

Snow In My Heart. 내 마음 의 눈 (Red Velvet Seulgi, Yeri, Joy and BTS V, Jungkook)Where stories live. Discover now