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I was both happy and shocked when I saw J-Hope. Happy because Jungkook would finally believe me.

Shocked because J-Hope said that Joy was his girlfriend. I didn't know J-Hope was dumb enough to fall for Joy.

"No," I said. "Hope, do you even know who Joy is? Have you seen her true colours? She's the one who caused trouble with us!"

"Huh," said J-Hope. "Do you think I'd fall for the 'Kim Taehyung trick'? No, I won't. You abandoned me when I needed you during the acid thing!"

"I didn't abandon you," I said. "I was shocked. I wasn't even an adult back then. Doesn't mean that I am now."

"Funny," said J-Hope. "Even Jungkook believed you killed me. You're trying to defend yourself? Jungkook, tell him what you saw."

"Hope," said Jungkook. "Now.. that I've heard everything, it makes sense. It was an accident, Taehyung was too young. I'm not blaming him anymore."

"What?" Hope sounded shocked. "But he left me there to die! I died, Jungkook! Gosh, are you blind?"

"I know," said Jungkook. "But you're here now. You're alive and you're still blaming Taehyung? You're so selfish."

"Huh," Hope scoffed. "You just made a line between us, Jeon Jungkook. You know that you won't get away with it, don't you?"

Hope went away after giving one last glare at me. I didn't do anything wrong, and yet, he's still blaming me. During recess, I hung out with Seulgi.

"Seul." I rested my head on her shoulder. "If I turn out to be a really, really bad person, would you still love me the way you do now?"

"Hmm," said Seulgi. "Let's see. I haven't seen you done anything bad, so let's just assume that you won't ever be a bad person."

"Oh," I said. "I forgot to ask you something. Where the heck is Yeri? I haven't seen here since.. at the hospital, I guess?"

"Oh my God," said Seulgi. "I totally forgot about her. She's been missing for more than 24 hours. Help me, V."

"Calm down," I said. "I'm sure she's okay. Hey, you're the FBI here. What to do, boss?"

"Can you tell your brother about this?" Seulgi said. "He's not a rookie like me, so he doesn't panic."

I told Kai, and they went on a searching mission. Seulgi kept trembling, so I hugged her and said that everything would be okay, though I wasn't 100% sure.

Yeri's POV

I had no reason to live. After what Seulgi told me at the hospital, my heart shattered into pieces.

I tried starving myself to death, but I kept drinking water from Han River, where I was currently staying.

I heard that Krystal was nearly drowned here, so I got a new idea. Drowning myself doesn't sound that bad.

So I jumped into the river, hoping I could die. I started suffocating for awhile, and everything went blank.

Jungkook's POV

As I was jogging around Han River that evening, I saw a familiar person jump into the river and not come back out.

I jumped inside the river and pulled the person out. Turned out that it was Yeri. I heard that she was missing, but I didn't know she tried killing herself.

She was semi-concious. I slapped her face a bit to make her fully conscious. Then, she sat.

"Kim Yeri!" I shouted at her. "What were you thinking? You could've died there! Don't kill yourself that way!"

She started crying, which was completely out of the blue. I felt like a bad person. So, I apologized.

"Okay, okay," I said. "I'm sorry. But we're both soaked, and I only have one spare shirt. You wear it, and I'll just walk without wearing a shirt. Your sister is so worried, let's go."

When we arrived at Yeri's house, Seulgi got up from her chair and hugged Yeri. Meanwhile, something unfortunate happened to me.

V punched me.

To be continued

Snow In My Heart. 내 마음 의 눈 (Red Velvet Seulgi, Yeri, Joy and BTS V, Jungkook)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora