Chapter eight-The date!

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Laura PoV:

Raini stayed at mine and Vanessa last night, and we had set today with a call time of 5am😐.

Mum had to wake up at the same time as me a Raini to go to Italy to her parents,my grandparents as they are currently on holiday there.

"Heya you ready to go Laura?" Raini asked me.

"Yea lets go" I said and Raini drove us to set.

~At set~

We start rehearsing and filming the first episode of season four when Ross and Calum get here. Me and Raini are currently in hair and make-up and it about 6am the boys should be here soon, lucky for them they get to stay in bed asleep longer 😓.

Hair and makeup done and me and Raini are changed into are ally and tris consumers for filming. Me and Raini are currently in my dressing room rehearsing our lines. Till I remember I never told her something.

"I forgot to tell you last night but Ross asked me on a date" I said.

"Omg I so happy for you" she said hugging me.

"Thanks" I said laughing

"When the date?" Raini asked.

"After set" I said.

She say they is shock and then starting text someone on her phone. She texting ness and del.

"They won't be up yet you know" I said laughing.

" I know but it be a nice surprise for them when they wake up" she said laughing with me.

We was talking and having a lot of fun to say it had only now turned 7am, the boys should be here now.

"We should do a live stream, like some sort of thing for the first day back on set" Raini said.

"Yea I totally agree, I think the boys be in for it too" I said giving her a high five.

"Which room should we do it in?" She asked.

And at the same time we both said "Calum room"

And as on que the boys walked in Ross said next to me and Calum sat next to Raini.

"My room what?" He asked.

"Live stream?" Me and Raini said at the same time.

"Yea sounds cool Ross?" Calum said.

"Yea" he said pulling me into a hug.

"You know Vanessa and Rydel woke me up this after Raini text them" he said and I laughed.

"Saying what?" Raini asked

"Screaming at me why I didn't tell them about the date" he said and we all started laughing.

"What was ness doing at yours at 7am?" I asked.

"She came over at 5am because you and your mum both wasn't there" Calum answered.

As soon as Calum answered my phone buzzed it was Vanessa;

Ness 💕💜💙
Omg why didn't you tell me?! When you get home I want to hear all about it, have a good day at set ly😘 xxxx

Awe how cute, and I replied.

I will don't worry and thanks, how a good day not working, so jealous😞 ly2 xxxx

I send the text and put my phone back in my pocket.

Ross PoV:

Me and the guys was on a break before we would start filming so we had half and hour to eat. We all decided to do the live stream during the break.

~the live stream~

We were in the middle of the live stream and I couldn't stop looking at Laura, which I know the fans would pick up on, but I was just really excited for a date. I've plan a cute date that hopefully she will love.

The live steam was done and it was a lot of fun even through my mind was on the date. We had about a few hours till we was done for the day and then I could take Laura on the date!

We was finally done at set and now it's time to take Laura on our date! I go change out of Austin outfit and back into my own and got my thing together, the headed to Laura dressing room.

I knock on the door and she shouted come in so I did.

"Hey you ready to go?" I asked

"Yea I just get my stuff" she replied getting her things and we headed out to my car.

We got to my car and I open the door for her and she laughed and said thank you.

~the date~

We was driving to the location for the date and I'm was getting really worried what if she doesn't like it, what if I mess up and she hate me for it. I need to stop thinking like this and just enjoy the date.

"Hey don't look so worried" Laura said

She must have notice opps.

"I try not too" I said with a smile.

She smiled back and we carry on talking.

I pulled into the park carpark, I decided to take her where I first kissed her and I've made up a picnic baskets of all her favourite foods.

I got out of the car and ran round the other side to open the door for her.

"Thanks you" she said and kissed me on the cheek.

"So you probably wonder what we doing here" I said as we got to were are date was.

"Yea" she said with a smile.

Her smile is so beautiful.

"So this is where I first kissed you so I I thought it be a good place to have a first date, by having a picnic." I said.

"Awe your so cute your know" she said hugging me.

We sat down on the picnic blanket and eat the food I brought with us and just talked.

The date went really well I had a great time I just hope Laura did.

"Thanks you for this I had a amazing time probably the best first date I've had" Laura said which made me happy.

"I'm so glad you did I was so nervous that you wouldn't" I said.

As I said that it started to rain.

"The first time it rain in ages is when we have a picnic" Laura said laughing.

She was getting up so we could leave.

I stood up and said " before we leave I need to ask you something"

"Go on" telling me to asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

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