Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Do you not like these ones?" Ryan holds up a pair of socks. There's a sense of irritation in his voice, but I can tell he's trying his best to suppress it.

"They're pink. And they're fuzzy."

I reach over and take the socks from his hands, feeling the material. Though the color is perfect, they aren't soft enough. Suddenly the urge to burst into tears consumes me, as yet another pair of socks have disappointed me.

"Not fuzzy enough." I hand him the socks, and bite down my lower lip to prevent the tears threatening to spill. Unable to hold his resolve any longer, Ryan snaps.

"Well, I don't know what else to tell you Alexandra. We've been here for hours looking at socks! The store is about to close. Pick something so we can go home."

He seems to regret his harshness the moment the words leave his mouth, but it's too late. I am already unable to contain the tears that stream down my face.

"Fuck." He huffs, running  a frustrated hand through his hair before pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." He says softly into my hair, and kisses the top of my head. "I didn't mean to yell."

"This pregnancy hasn't been easy, Ryan." I swipe at the tears on my face. "It's been eight long months of torture. And all I wanted were some warm socks because my feet get cold at night. Do you even care?"

"Of course I care, baby." He reassures me. "You deserve warm socks. You deserve everything."

I blink, allowing more tears to fall from my eyes. This time for a completely different reason. I am moved by how sweet and understanding my husband is. Especially since he has to deal with all my pregnant lady emotions

"Do you mean that?" I look up at him. He nods, and wipes a tear from under my eye, before kissing my lips softly.

"Of course. You're carrying our twins." He plants a hand on my stomach. "And have been looking so sexy while doing it."

Now I'm giggling like a school girl in the middle of the sock section at Target, while my husband flirts with me like we haven't been married for a year.

"Come on." Ryan grabs my hand. "Let's go. We'll find another store with better socks, and we'll stop for ice cream on the way."

"Toothpaste flavored?" My mouth waters instantly. Thank God this pregnancy hasn't led me to have any food aversions.

"Of course." He kisses my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you more."

Slowly my eyes blink open, as I awaken from my slumber. I am caught in the haze of confusion, while I try to differentiate what's reality and what I dreamt.

"Twins?" I pat my stomach.

No twins.

"Marriage?" I glance at my finger.

No ring.

"Oh, thank God." I sigh in relief, sitting up to rub my eyes.

That was a crazy dream. Or nightmare I should say.

Me and Ryan? Married?

God forbid.

I don't get to think about it much longer, because my phone starts to ring obnoxiously loud, causing the pounding in my head to intensify.

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