New York City

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We had been walking for five days. I was mostly silent the whole time. I was just shocked by the world I haven't seen.

One thing that shocked me the most was these things called kars.

"What is that?!?!" I asked when a kar almost hit us.

Rizo chucked at me. "That would be a car. Humans use them to get around faster."

"A kar? What kind of wood are they made of?" I asked.

"It isn't wood Eveora. It's made of a thing called metal." Rizo answered.

"How do they go so fast? Is it magic?" I said starring as another one passed us.

I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"It's not magic. It's machinery." Rizo said.

I stopped asking questions and just watched wondering how they are made.

Two days later.

Rizo stops all of a sudden and turns to me.

"What your about to see is going to shock you. It's a lot different from what we've seen so far okay? I can't fly in front of you anymore so I have to stay on your wrist as if I'm a bracelet. We can't attract attention to ourselves this close to the camp." Rizo said.

"Um okay. But how will I know where to go?" I asked.

"I'll be guiding you still but I'll be on your wrist okay?" Rizo said.

"Okay" I answered.

With that he landed on my wrist and opened his wings.

"Alright I'm all set. Let's go,"

I nodded and began walking.

And Rizo was right. I was shocked.

There were giant buildings everywhere. They were bigger than any other thing I've ever seen. They were like a thousand kars stacked on top of each other.

"Eh hem. Eveora lets go," Rizo said.

"Oh right." I said.

Then I took my first step into New York City.

A little while later Rizo told me were in the Bronx.

"What is a Bronx?" I asked.

A few people turned and looked at me with a look that said Are you crazy?

"Shhhh Eveora! If you need to ask me something whisper it. Like I said, we can't attract attention to us." Rizo whispered angrily.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"But the Bronx is a place where we are right now. Meaning we aren't that far from Camp Half-Blood. If we keep moving we might get there tomorrow. Or if we take a bus...." He trailed off.

"Don't tell me there's a monster" I whispered.

"No no. But if we take a bus we will get there in about an hour," Rizo said.

"A bus? Is that one of those giant long kars?" I asked.

"Yes and there's a bus stop right ahead. I want you to stand there right next to that sign and wait for the bus," Rizo instructed.

I walked there and waited for the bus. The bus didn't come until sundown.

I wasn't really sure what to do when it stopped. It scared me when the door opened.

"Eveora get on the bus," Rizo said.

I took a step and got on the bus. There was so many seats. There was only one other person on the bus who was sitting all the way in the back. I chose to sit as far away as possible. I sat in the fourth row.

I was slowly drifting off when Rizo woke me and said the ride might be shorter than he thought and told me to stay awake. I groaned in protest.

I was staring out the window when the man in the back got up and began walking towards me. I froze in place and hoped he wasn't going to talk to me. I looked down at Rizo to see he was asleep.

Just great I thought.

The man stopped at the seat next to me and sat down.

"Lovely night isssn't" the man said.

I nodded and noticed how he held the s. It creeped me out a little bit.

"That'ssssss a beautiful bracccelet you got there," the creepy man said.

I looked at him and noticed his face was covered by a hood.

"Thanks." I said quickly hoping he'd leave me alone.

But sadly he didn't.

"Ssssso where are you heading to," he asked.

"To a camp," I answered.

"Ahhhh. Musssst be an interesssting camp," the man said.

"Um I don't know. I haven't been there before," I said.

"What a coincccidencce. I know the exact way to thissss camp. How bout I ssshow you the way?" the man offered.

"No thanks. I know the way but thanks anyway," I said.

The bus stopped and I got up to leave. The man stood in my way.

"Excuse me sir but I have to go through," I said.

"Sssssorry missss but I can't let you do that,"

I began to panic. I tried to push past him but he didn't budge.

"Sir! Get out of my way!" I yelled

He laughed an evil laugh that sent chills up my spine.

"Would you like to know why I cover my face missss? Why you can't sssssee my face? Well how bout I sssshow you?" The man lifted his hand and took off his hood.

I screamed. A loud ear piercing scream. The so called man had a head of a snake. His whole body changed into a giant snake except he had arms.

My scream didn't just wake Rizo but it made the snake man cover his "ears" allowing me to slip through. As soon as I pasted him I began running. I jumped out of the bus and ran across the road.

I heard a roar come from the bus and I kept running.

"Eveora!!! This way!" Rizo said flying up a giant hill.

I began to run up the hill when I heard glass smash behind me. I turned to see the snake man jump out the window roaring. He spotted me right away and began racing towards me.

Eveora (A Nico di Angelo Fanfic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now