Capture the Flag (Part Two)

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We crashed through the woods trying to find the perfect spot to hide the flag. We found a big rock in the middle of the woods and put the flag there.

"Alright. Jess, James, Sebastian and Cassy, stay here with the flag. Clarisse, Nico, and Eveora, come with me. For the rest of you, hide in the woods and wait for my cue."

Everyone went to their spots and I followed Percy and the others. We heard I giant "GO!" and we took off running.

We arrived at the other team's side and hid between the trees. I'll be honest. I was nervous. I didn't know what to do or really how to fight. I mean I went head to head with Nico but I've lost every time.

Then Percy raised his hand.

"Alright guys, this is it. Clarisse, the others and I will distract the guards. Nico and Eveora, you guys get the flag. Everyone got it?" We all nodded.

Percy and Clarrise took off running towards the other team's flag. The rest of team took off behind them.

Nico grabbed my wrist.

"Come on. We are going to go behind them. If I can distract them long enough for you to get the flag, we'll be home free. Well as long as you get to our side." Nico said.

I nodded and followed him. We got behind the flag and Nico took off running. He got them far away enough and waved for me to go.

I took off running and grabbed the flag.

"If your going to take the flag, your going to have to get through us first."

I looked up to see Annabeth an Leo standing in front of me. With their weapons out.

I pulled out my bow and drew an arrow. I aimed at Annabeth knowing she's the one with the plan.

I kept my bow steady waiting for them to make the first move. Then Leo charged, I moved my bow to him. I shot at his armor but he deflected with his sword.

I grabbed the flag and took off. I ran straight through the battle hoping to lose them. I slung my bow over my back and grabbed my new dagger.

Just in case they catch up, I thought.

I kept running. I didn't stop until I saw the stream. Just have to cross that stream and we win.

I was about to cross and Leo and Annabeth stepped in front of me. I help my dagger ready to fight.

Leo took a step and I tensed. I knew I couldn't wait, the other team could have our flag. I knew I took them by surprise when I charged. Leo even jumped out of the way. Annabeth didn't move one inch. I kept running at her picking up the pace. She was staring me down and I shocked her when I took a sharp left just before I ran into her. I crossed the stream without a problem. I raised the flag and yelled.

"WE WON!!!! I DID IT!!!!!"

Everyone stopped fighting and looked up. My team rushed over to me and put me on their shoulders yelling my name over and over again.

I saw Nico in the corner nodding and smiled at me. He seemed impressed. I was so happy! I just won capture the flag!

*Nico's POV*

I was impressed when I heard Eveora scream we won. I saw her run through the battle with the flag with Annabeth and Leo on her trail. I was going to help her but I got caught up with a couple Demeter kids. I honestly thought we were screwed.

Then I heard her screams that we won. Everyone stopped fighting and my team ran over to her. I followed them and saw her on their shoulders yelling her name. She saw me staring and I nodded.

I had to admit. I was impressed. She went against Annabeth and Leo and won. No one has won against Annabeth, not even Percy.

Chiron came out and congratulated our team and Eveora. They group put Eveora down and headed for the pavilion for a celebration. The other team congratulated her and followed the other team. She stoop there looking at the flag still.

"Still shocked you won?" I asked coming up to here.

"Well we won actually. We were a team." she said.

I walked over to her while chuckling.

"Yea but you got the flag." I pointed out.

"With your help."

I looked at her and knew right away something was wrong.

"You okay Eveora?"

"Um not really. I'm just really worried about my parents. What if we find them but it's to late? What if we never find them?" she said on the verge of tears.

"Hey, look at me. I know what it's like to lose someone you love. I've lost two of my family members. But I promise that we will find your parents." I said looking at her.

She looked up and smiled. "Okay"

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked as we walked out of the woods.

"I don't know. I'm not really hungry so I don't want to go to the pavilion. But I'm not tired" Eveora said.

"Have you ever ridden a Pegasus?"

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"A Pegasus?"

"Yea. I'll be right back just stay here k?"


At the Pavilion

As soon as I enter Piper, Hazel, Annabeth and Leo surround me.

"Where's Eveora?" Annabeth asked.

"Waiting for me. Now where's Percy" I said while searching the crowd.

"Over by the Poseidon table." Piper said.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

I ran over to Percy.

"Hey Percy?"

"Yea bro?" He said looking up.

"Um I gotta ask you something"

"What's up?"

"Can I borrow Blackjack for a bit?"

"That's up to him. Why?"

" Eveora is upset so I was thinking-"

"You're taking her on a date!" Percy said almost yelling.

"Shhhh! But no. I just want her to feel better." I said yelling whispering.

"Oh ok." He winked while laughing. "Well I'll ask for ya though. I make no promises." He turned and walked to the stables.

"Ooooo! Nico has his first date!"

I turned around to see Leo and the girls behind me. I groaned.

"It's not a date. I'm just helping Eveora" I said glaring.

"Yea ok. I didn't know my bro had a crush." Hazel said giggling.

"I don't have a crush on her. How many times do I have to explain this?"

"Too many apparently. Oh and ask Eveora after your date if we talk about her battle plan in capture the flag." Said Annabeth.

"Ughhh. It's not a date!"

Then Percy came up behind me.

"Blackjack said he will. Lucky I told him she was half nymph or else you would've never had a chance. He's waiting for you two at the stables so you better hurry." Percy said.

"K thanks." I said as I took off.

"Good luck on your date" yelled Leo as I rolled my eyes.

Eveora (A Nico di Angelo Fanfic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now