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"Come on!"

Two girls came running towards me. One with bright grey eyes and blonde hair and the other with brown eyes and brown hair.

I didn't know what to do. All I knew was there was a freaking snake human thing chasing me trying to kill me! I called out to Rizo and he said,

"Trust them! Follow them, they go to the camp!"

So I ran up to them and they grabbed my arms and were helping me run faster. We were almost to the tree when I noticed all these people standing there. All of them were in their pajamas.

"CLEAR THE WAY!" yelled the girl with grey eyes.

All at once everybody was out of the way. We finally got to the tree and I plopped down next to the tree. Everyone began to crowd me but the two girls that helped me were kneeling next to me.

"Are you okay?" asked grey eyes.

"Do you need medical attention?" said brown eyes.

I lifted my head and everyone gasped. Murmurs began throughout the crowd. I shrunk down.

"D-did I do something wrong?" I asked.

Grey eyes came closer to me.

"Are you a demigod?"

"A-a what?"

Everyone got closer and I began to cry. I felt like I did something wrong. Rizo landed on my shoulder and told me everything was okay.

Then all of a sudden, three boys came towards us. Grey eyes got up and went to the one with black hair and sea green eyes. Brown eyes went to one with brown hair and brown eyes. The last boy to come looked dark. He had black hair and he wore all black. He came closer but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me.

"What are you?" he asked.

"W-what am I?" I said crying.

"Yea. You aren't human, you aren't a demigod. What are you?" he asked again.

I didn't answer all I did was burry my head in my hands and knees and cry.

"All right that's enough! No more questions."

I looked up to the voice and saw a man. Or so I thought. He had the top half of a man but the bottom have

"Annabeth, take Percy, Leo, Nico, and the girl to the infirmary. Piper go with them. For the rest of you, go back to your cabins," said the horse man.

Grey eyes nodded and helped me up. I'm guessing that's Annabeth. She took my one arm and brown eyes, who I'm guessing is Piper, took my other arm and helped me walk. The boys followed us and all the campers, that's what I'm guessing they are, watched us go.

After a while we got to this building which I'm guessing was the infirmary. Annabeth and Piper helped me inside and laid me on a bed.

Three kids came in and they seemed to glow like the sun. Annabeth walked over to them and talked quietly to them then sat beside sea green eyes. The three kids, one girl and two guys, came in and sat everyone down expect Piper and Annabeth.

The girl came over to me and smiled a kind smile. She went to check one of my cuts but I flinched away.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. I'm going to make you better ok?" The girl said.

Rizo was on my shoulder again and said, "Let her help you. She's going to make you better."

I looked at the girl and nodded my head. She smiled and began to look at my cuts.

"I'm Jess by the way. What's your name?" asked the girl.

"E-Eveora," I said.

"Nice to meet you Eveora. How long are you staying?" Jess asked.

"U-uh I don't know." I answered.

"Mm ok. Well I'm in the Apollo cabin so if u wanna chat just go there, k?"

"Um ok."

I noticed all the guys were on a bed like mine all getting checked out except for the boy with black hair. He also was next to me.

He caught me staring and I quickly looked away. I looked at Jess and decided I was tired.

"Um Jess?"


"Do you mind if I go to sleep?"

"Absolutely not. Sleep as long as you like."

I closed my eyes and before I knew it. I was out like a light.

The Next Day

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Come on Eveora. It's already noon," Jess said.

I opened my eyes and saw Jess shaking me.

"It's about time. I thought you were dead for a second." She said laughing.

"Oh um sorry." I said.

"Nothing to apologize for. But Chiron wants to talk to you,"

"C-Chiron?" I asked.

"Don't worry I'll show you," Jess said.

After some walking we came to a big red house. Almost like a barn. We entered and there was the horse man.

"Chiron, this Eveora. Eveora, this is Chiron." Jess introduced.

"Thanks Jess. Eveora I just wanted to tell you that you will be staying here for a while." Chiron said.

"H-How do you know?"

"Your friend Rizo over there told me," he points at a coffee table and Rizo is on it. "Anyway, your going to have the same schedule as Nico di Angelo. He should be here by now and I don't know why he's not. But he'll be showing you around and teaching you."

Just then the kid with black hair comes in.

"Sorry I'm late. Slept in." The kid said.

"No matter. I was just telling Eveora how you'll be showing her around." Chiron said.

"I'll be doing what now???" The kid said.

"Showing her around. She has the same schedule as you so you better get going, Nico," Chiron said.

Nico grumbled some and stormed out of the house.

"Don't mind him. He's grumpy all the time. You get used to it after a bit" Jess said.

I walked with Jess outside to see Nico waiting at the steps.

"Well I got to go. See ya around Eveora," said Jess as she walked away.

I stood there awkwardly for a few moments until Nico sighed.

He looked at me and said, "Are you ready to go?"

"Oh yeah. I'm E-Eveora by the way" I said.


"N-Nice to meet you."


He walked off without out me and I ran to catch up.

Eveora (A Nico di Angelo Fanfic) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now