Chapter 8

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Sorry about that, folks. I know it's been a while since I've added another chappy to this story. Life has taken a hold of me, forcing me away from my dreams.

It sucks.


The next day, in the afternoon, Kagome and Inuyasha decided to have a picnic by the well she had come from years ago, with their family and friends.

The day was perfect for one. The sun hung over the clear, blue sky, bright and hot. There was a slight breeze wafting through the village, humid enough to force people out of their huts. And where they were at was covered with trees that provided an abundant amount of shade.

Sesshomaru watched as the females fixed up the sight, placing blankets and baskets over the grass. Ikuto laid back on the ground, staring at the sky.

Sesshomaru ignored him.

He had been more than pleased to attend this familial event, when he was invited, because it was the first time he'd ever gone to a picnic. In fact, before he'd ever met Inuyasha, or Rin for that matter, he'd never even heard of one. He didn't know if the word was Japanese; it sounded so foreign: Piku-niku.

He approached Inuyasha, who was sitting cross legged on the wooden well, eating an apple, and asked him what a picnic was. His half brother replied, "It's a future thing."

His tiny brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "Ask Kagome. I just heard of the thing. What about you?"

"Neither have I."

Inuyasha placed a strand of hair behind his ear. "Yeah, well, the picnic isn't that special. We just eat outside instead of at home."

"Is that all? I did that for a whole year before I met you."

Inuyasha watched Sesshomaru through the sides of his eyes. He stared at him for a few terminable seconds before he said quietly, "Yeah, Sessh. I know."

There was another short silence after this. But Sesshomaru wanted to continue talking. It was easy to do so with his brother, strange though as it seemed. After years of believing himself to be alone, finding his brother because of Rin seemed to him a great blessing. He would not squander it.

"What else do we do?"

"Eat," Inuyasha succinctly replied.

He made a circular motion with his hand telling him to continue. "And?"

"Play games, I guess. Nagisa and Tomoya brought their toys, if you want to play with them."

Sesshomaru shook his head. "No. I'n fine. I want to be here with you."

Inuyasha snorted. He doubted that. "Care to tell my why, Sessh?"

"You're my brudder."

"Half brudder- I mean, brother. And that's not a good enough reply."

"We share blood. I has the right to be with my half brudder. It isn't a crime now, is it?"

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Nope. You can stay if you like, but I'm no fun. Not for you, at least. What with the age difference, and all."

"You don't act so different from me," was Sesshomaru's proud reply. "I'n very mature for my age. I know a'cause Mother told me so. Father too."

Inuyasha hmphed. He finally turned fully to face Sesshomaru and arched a brow at him. "Is that so? What else do your parents say about you?"

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