Chapter 10

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I know it's been a while and I'm sorry. Fortunately, school is over so I have more time to write! YAY! P.S. I don't own Inuyasha.


Rin stared at Sesshomaru. She blinked once. Then twice. "W-what?" she croaked, her face paling by the second.

Sesshomaru hid himself behind her arm, but not before she noticed the light tinge of red that flooded his cheeks. "I said," he muttered softly, sounding almost embarrassed, "I love you."

Rin swallowed thickly. Inwardly, she struggled with believing his words. He said he loved her; was it true? He was so young; how would he know what love was? And was it truly possible for him to fall for her so quickly? "S-Sesshomaru?"

"My name is Sesshy," he grumbled, still under her arm.

"Sesshy... Please," she licked her lips which had chapped, "let me see your face."

He gently shook his head. "Nuh-uh."

"Please," she whispered hoarsely.

"I don't want to."


"A 'cause my cheeks are really hot. And I know they're red, 'cause every time this happens they get weally, weally, red."

She stared at the ceiling, then closed her eyes after taking a deep, tremulous breath. She needed to remain calm. No weeping, she told herself, mentally. He would become worried and ask questions that wouldn't be as important as the ones she felt like asking him now. "Sesshomaru, lift up your head. I... I won't laugh at you."

"I n'care if you laugh. I like your laugh," he muttered.

She let out a raspy chuckle. "I'm glad."

He lifted his head just a smidgen to take a peak at her, only letting her see one golden eye. "I'n glad you're glad."

She shook her head. "Sesshy, lift up your head, fully. Do it or I'm going to have to get up and pick you up myself."

His head shot up like an arrow sprung from a bow. "No!" he cried. "You can't get up. You still has a booboo and it might open up if you move."

Rin bit the inside of her lip. "Alright. I won't get up. But only if you don't hide and tell me why you said that."

He cocked his head to the side, giving her a bewildered look. "What did I say? I can't 'member."

Rin narrowed her eyes at him. Was he deliberately trying to evade a discussion about what he'd just confessed to her? "You just told me that you... You..." Rin choked out the next words, "love me."

He lowered his head and his white bangs shadowed his eyes, but not his face. He then crossed his legs together, tightening his garb around his thighs, and toyed with it. "Was I not supposed to say that?" he asked in an achingly adorable whisper.

Rin's heart tore in two. She suddenly wanted to wrap her arms around her husband and snuggle him against her chest like a doll. She rubbed her forehead with her calloused fingers. "N-no, that's fine. I just want to know why you said it."

"A 'cause it's true. I love Rin."

"Why? I mean, how do you know?"

"'Cause I asked you and you told me love is when you always want to be with that person. You want to hug them lots and be with them forebber. And I want to be with Rin for-forever." He played with his fingers nervously. "I don't like it when you leave me. I waited for you all day and it hurt. It was like I had to peepee but I couldn't do it 'cause there were no trees or leaves to be found."

Sesshy (An Inuyasha Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα