Chapter 17

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She looked up upon the man who volunteered upon her stead for the challenge but there was something in his golden irises that bothered her. A somewhat challenging look she couldn't unsee. Though it was unwise, she stood her ground.

"I will do it."

She glared at the barkeep, confidence in full display but a whole new slurry of laughter erupted in the tavern.

"You hear that lads? This kid will do it!" He bellowed and slammed his hands upon the table as if it was the funniest thing he heard. She felt her blood boil at the mockery, feeling a firm grasp upon her arm and a warm breath at her ear.

"I am trying to help you. You will drown and they will laugh at your grave." The western soldier gritted into her ear.

"And why are you helping me." She sneered back, yanking her arm away from him but he snatched it back roughly pulling her close to him.

"Listen here boy, I know who you are and I have many questions I need answered and I'm sure you do too, before you get yourself killed." He smirked at her. "So let me help or if you don't wish to see your lands in ruin in a much sooner fashion as getting yourself killed" He whispered harshly in her ear. His voice was as smooth as honey that caused shivers down her neck, but it's as if there was another intention in that honey.

"Then I shall just leave." She hissed back but he pulled her close again.

"The barkeep will not let you leave until you complete this task. I am doing the both of us a favor." He spoke one last time before letting her go.

"I still stand by my offer. I will volunteer to take his place." The western knight announced. Hana was stunned, she hadn't met this man ever in her life, yet he recognized her in an instant. That gravitational pull towards him was nauseating and unbearable but if she had to leave this place in one piece she'd have no choice but to agree.

Where was Jungkook through all of this? Why was this information left out?

"Oh? And you think I would take this offer, hey?" The barkeep chuckled but in his eyes, he had a grand scheme. "Alright. I'll agree, if the kid still partakes in drinking at least a quarter of this." He laughed, he knew very well that she had no chance from the start. "Do we have a deal?" He leaned upon the counter and the keg looking at the two expectantly.

The knight quirked an eyebrow at her as if silently asking if she was capable, and even if she knew she would probably struggle, she definitely wasn't going down without a fight.

She slammed her fist upon the bar smirking up at the barkeep, "you have a deal."

"Are you serious Sir Jin?! But we'll both be in great trouble and danger. I will be in grave danger if King Namjoon would hear about this." Jungkook frantically said as he heard Jin's plan.

"You must do this Jungkook, you must know how the princess is, she will never back down a challenge and from what I know the western knight does love games and has interest in speaking to her too." He gripped the knights shoulders firmly as Jungkook scoffed.

"Sir. I don't think this is a good idea." He ruffled his hair, "I really don't think this is a good idea at all, aren't they waging war with us? They are the enemy!"

"That is exactly why we must do this. You see, I don't believe they wish for us to hand her over, but to just speak to her." Jin had a glint in his eyes, "specifically, Sir Taehyung of the western kingdom wishes to speak to her, not the king."

Jungkook knew what were to happen once she entered the tavern that everything went according to Jin's plan as if he himself had written the sequence of events. The barkeep was indeed a bully and he knew the princess would never back down against one, and the western knight took interest in the situation.

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