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I watched my wife walk away and I could feel Sharla's eyes on me.

Fucking her was one of the dumbest things I ever did. Not only was she my wife's best friend but her father works for the police force.

When Femi said she wanted a divorce, I didn't believe her. But once she ran away, that's when I knew I lost my wife's heart completely.

She used to be so in love with me, I could do no wrong in her eyes and I took that shit for granted.

Marrying Femi when she was seventeen wasn't my choice but I have no regrets doing so, she's a good girl. She saw a lot of crazy things over these few years that I wish she hadn't. Now that I think about wasn't the other women that upset her, everything changed when Sharla got pregnant.

I was a stubborn man who thought after fucking her friend, I could still have the same innocent and sweet Femi that I've always had...I was an idiot.

The outside seating was empty and looked very inviting so I walked out to get out of Sharla's glare or until Femi returned from the ladies room.

"So she's back now?"

I took a deep breath knowing who was talking.


"For good?"

I looked at Sharla. "Why are you questioning me?"

"Femi walked out on you with no word or explanation and you just let her come back like nothing happened."

"She is my wife."

Sharla smirked. "Like that ever mattered to you. I'm not the only other woman you fuck, Manny. You've never been faithful to your wife."

"You're crossing the line, I advise you to go finish your brunch."

"You told me that things would be different when she left."

I walked away ignoring her then sat on the bench and she followed.

"Last week, you apologized for not spending time with our son. You said he was the greatest gift you've ever received and thought about us having another baby. You said this right before making love to me. But now that Femi is back you switch up?"

Sharla's words were beginning to bore me.

"Femi didn't just come back. I searched for her, found her and brought her back."

Her face went blank and her eyes became glossy.

"I wanted her back so I went and got her back. I was never going to not look for her or not want her. I love Femi and I'm never letting her go."

Femi was back at our table and relief came over me. I looked at Sharla again.

"You know my son won't keep me so now you think threatening to tell your father about my life will keep you around."

Her eyes widened. "I was talking out of anger when I said that. I would never do that to you, Manny. Whether you believe it or not, I loved you the first day I met you."

I chuckled at her words. "No, you loved the lifestyIe and I knew I could fuck you because you were jealous of your best friend. I just didn't know how deep your envy went. Holes in the condom wrapper was an old trick and I fell for it."

The guilt on her face was undeniable.

"On the bright side, because of you I have a wonderful son and I always bring my own condoms."

My life was a crazy one but I never feared anyone or anything as much as Femi leaving me. I wasn't going to let that happen again and whether my wife likes it or not...she is stuck with me and will remain Mrs. Tega till death do us part.


The voice I heard was standing in front of me and I didn't understand this strong pull he had on me. My thoughts were all him at this moment forgetting a man was standing in the ladies room.

The door began to open and he quickly pulled me into the stall. He towered me as his chest was inches from my face and my body internally begged for him to touch me.

The faucet ran then the person left the bathroom and my heart continued to race.

"You're shaking, are you afraid of me?"

My words wouldn't come out, I gave him a nod and he leaned down next to my ear.


"I-I don't know you."

"Do you want to know me?"

"Y-Yes," I whispered.

"I'm Ludovic."

His piercing light blue-gray eyes stared into me. His lips softly touched mine and a soft moan escaped my lips from the sensation running through me.

My body warmed up as I squeezed my legs together and he pressed his tall frame against me.

"Femi, I want you but not just your body. I want your soul."

His eyes turned red as his knee opened my legs and I felt his hand go up my dress. When I felt his fingers rub against my wet lace panties, my hips slowly moved.

What am I doing?

Listening to your body.

You can hear me?

He smiled, softly touching my cheek.

Before I could say another word, he kissed my lips once more then walked out of the stall, closing it behind him. I exhaled trying to calm my shaking legs.

A couple of women came into the bathroom and I fixed my dress then flushed the toilet. I gave a soft smile as I walked out the stall and washed my hands. They stared, whispering amongst each other. Yes, many knew who I was because of Manny and his notorious family.

I couldn't stop myself from looking around and wondering where Ludovic went....he was gone.

His eyes glowed red and he could hear my thoughts.

My mind was racing and now I'm wondering if he was real or maybe I drank too much.

When I got closer to my table I could see Sharla and Manny outside. Manny looked annoyed, I smirked and took my seat.

He saw me, said a few words to Sharla then smiled as he walked back my way.

"Ready for that shopping spree?"

I stood up and whispered in his ear. "Actually, I'm really horny."

By the look on my husband's face I knew he would happily oblige. But I wasn't sure if he could take this hunger away that Ludovic ignited in me.

I hope Manny can tame it or I was going to find someone who could.

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