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Merion and Landis Severna walked into the newly built factory. They were brothers and the grandsons of the family patriarch, Leonid Severna.

This was the second family petroleum port business. The inspector walked ahead of him checking off things completed.

"Did you hear about Stokely?" Landis asked.

"A little here and there."

"He's under FBI surveillance. We need to burn our trail connected to him."

"What made him a target?"

"The Yumana brothers. They've been a hot spot for a while now."

Merion shook his head. "I told him they were too risky. Fucker is stubborn and thinks he knows everything."

The brothers continued talking but kept their eyes on the inspector. Merion noticed him looking at another paper underneath the checklist.

"What are you doing?"

The inspector looked back. "Are you talking to me?"

Merion snatched the clipboard out of his hand. Underneath were notes of he and Landis' conversation. Landis looked at his phone to see the confirmed appointment for inspection. The inspector's ID was legit but he was sent by someone.

"You're not our scheduled inspector. Who do you work for?" Landis asked while Merion moved his hand inside his jacket.

The inspector took a hard swallow, knowing what Merion was reaching for.

"He works for me."

Manuel and Rio Tega walked toward them then stood a few feet away. The bad blood was always there but all four were smart enough to pick their battles. Unnecessary fighting brought too much unwanted attention to both families and both had too much to lose.

"Still dick riding as usual." Landis smirked.

"Everytime I have my eyes on a location, you leeches jump on it. There's no record of you two going through state guidelines to purchase this building."

Merion answered. "Are you jealous that we know the right people? Our purchase is legit."

"You have someone shadowing who's really the one dick riding?"

Landis walked closer.

"Maybe you should treat your people better so they'd have a reason to be loyal to you."

"Loyal? Didn't your cousin snitch on your pops?" Rio asked.

Merion answered. "He was dealt with."

"Speaking of being loyal, how's Femi sexy ass doing?" Landis asked.

"Beating up bitches with her shoe heel. I could definitely use her to beat something else," Merion said, smiling.

Manny began to walk towards them but was stopped by Rio.

"Watch your fucking mouth...we all know what the women in your family is about," Manny said, trying to calm down.

Merion took the papers off the clipboard then pushed the inspector towards them.

"Get the fuck off our property and take him with you."

Rio smiled. "We'll be seeing you two soon."

All three left walking towards the SUV and state car in the parking lot. The inspector took off his badge then went into his car.

"Here you go...everything they've discussed inside is recorded."

The inspector handed them a USB drive then removed the hidden mic on his ID badge.

"Thanks for saving my ass back there."

He jumped in his car then drove off as Rio made a phone call.

"Cut off loose ends."

Suddenly, a black BMW pulled out following the inspector.


After manicures and pedicures with the wives, I just wanted to come home and work on my gown sketches. Unfortunately, I saw my mother-in-law's car parked out front.

I rolled my eyes, preparing to ignore her and her son worshiping shenanigans. Once inside, the delicious smell of Colombian food hit my nose. Mrs. Tega was a bitch but an amazing cook.

To my dismay, she brought company.

"Hey Femi, looking good girl."

I gave a fake smile to his younger sister, Camilla. She was sneaky as hell and two-faced. I learned my lesson when it came to her nice demeanor.

"You finally decide to come home. When was the last time my son had a home cooked meal?"

"It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Tega."

She continued cooking and I was ready to go upstairs.

"Mama...what a surprise."

Manny came into the kitchen then hugged her and his sister. After a few minutes Camilla walked out, looking at her phone.

"My beautiful wife, how was your day?" He wrapped his arms around me.

"Look who I have.." His sister walked in holding Manny's son.

"Hello, everyone." Sharla followed them.

The ReaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora