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My life has really taken a crazy turn. I just witnessed a murder, was damn near killed by my own husband and the man that saved me is a Severna who's possessed with some supernatural abilities.

Ludovic saved my life but what if he doesn't want me after all of this? I cheated on my husband with him...what if he thinks I'll do the same to him and not take me seriously?

I can't go back to Manny or the life I once had. But I'm not sure how to start over once it gets out that I slept with the enemy of my husband.

It's been three days and I have not spoken to my parents or family, I'm too afraid to. Everyone holds my husband in such high regard and the lifestyle we live, a man cheating or disciplining his wife was expected.

I sat on Ludovic's sofa and thought about the first time I met Manny and how quickly I fell in love. We got married at the courthouse because I was pregnant, only seventeen and my parents wanted to be discreet about my growing belly.

Manny was so sweet to me, treating me like a princess and giving me everything I wanted. My eyes teared up at the thought of everything he's put me through over the years.

It's not your fault.

I looked around, it was the voice of a child.

"Where are you?"

I'm here.

In front of me appeared the same little girl that I saw twice before.

She still had on the yellow dress with two curly afro puffs in her hair. With no fear, I smiled at her pretty brown skin and big brown eyes. I put my hands out for her to come closer and she did with no hesitation.

"Who are you?"

It's okay to let go.

Her mouth didn't move but I could still hear her just like before. She didn't answer my question as I looked into her eyes. They were so pure and genuine. I held her hands and they felt so soft, I couldn't believe I could touch her.

"Thank you for trying to help me before."

She smiled. You're welcome, Mommy.

I gasped at her words, letting go of her hands.


Don't be afraid.

She grabbed my hand then a tear fell down my face. My other hand slowly touched her soft cheek. The more I stared into her eyes, I knew she was my baby. I sobbed and hugged her tight...I didn't want to let her go.

I love you too. Please don't be sad.

Once I got myself together I let her go...she wiped my tears with her small hands. I couldn't believe this was happening but I was happy.

You shouldn't be with Daddy. He's a very bad man. It's okay, Mommy, I won't be sad if you leave him.

"I probably shouldn't have named you after him..."

No Mommy...I like my name. My great grandma's name is Manuela. I met her when I woke up, she's really nice and pretty.

"So, you're okay? Are you happy?"

Yup! Her smile was so pretty, my daughter was beautiful.

I have to go, Mommy.

"Will I see you again?" I asked, wanting to hold her again and never let go.

Yup, but when your hair is really gray. Bye Mommy.

"Bye, I love you so much."

Manuela kissed my cheek then faded as she walked towards the door and I sobbed like a baby.


Manny listened to the voice on the line. He's heard stories about Ludovic but never met him before.

"You gotta a lot of balls calling me and telling me you have my wife. Are you sure you're a Severna?"

He ignored his question. "Meet me tomorrow morning at the abandoned barrel warehouse in Levittown on Rancor Blvd..."

"Why would I show up to some random place you chose?"

"If you're a pussy just say that."

Manny grit his teeth, not liking what Ludovic said. He never backed down from a challenge or fight and he wasn't starting now.

"If my wife isn't there, I'm not going. How do I know you really have her?"

A text message came through as Manny pulled up to his mansion. He opened it and a picture of Femi, lying in bed while watching TV came through.

She looks so calm and beautiful like nothing ever happened. Her face looks almost completely healed.

Manny took a hard swallow then anger began to rise in his chest at the thought of Femi actually moving on with Ludovic.

"Okay, I'll meet you. Bring my wife...No cops or back up. Just me, you and her. If you kill me, she's all yours."

"I'm not bringing Femi unless she wants to be there and I don't need the cops or back up when I can handle you myself."

"We'll see, motherfucker." Manny hung up, trying to stay calm.

He walked into the mansion mentally preparing for his meet up with Ludovic. Manny didn't trust Ludovic to come alone so he made sure his men would be close by waiting in the cut.

After his meeting with his men, Sharla stood in the doorway of his home office.

"So Femi's been having an affair...not surprised."

She came in, closing the door behind her.

"I don't want to be bothered right now."

"Why can't you let her go? What more do you need to see that she doesn't love you...she never did."

"You need to leave."

Manny got up to look out the window, trying to ignore her.

"I would never stress you the way she does because I understand this lifestyle. I deserve to be given a chance...I gave you a son, your first born."

"Sharla, I don't have time for this shit."

"You'll never get the old Femi back, you got her best friend pregnant. She will never be the same."

He turned to face her. "I still want and love will never be her."

Sharla felt a pain in her heart but wouldn't back down.

"Femi is not cut out for this life. She's too possessive, jealous and she always had to be up under you. If Femi wasn't being so clingy, she would have been home and wouldn't have gotten your baby killed that night!"


Sharla stood in shock as the burning sensation was felt through her chest and her shirt became wet with blood.

"M-Manny...why?" Tears fell down her face.

"You're not cut out for this life either. You don't know when to shut the fuck up."

He walked out of his home office as Sharla's body hit the floor and she gasped for air. The life she always wanted with Manny flashed before her eyes while she took her last breath.

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