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A month has passed and I am officially a business owner. My fashion consultation and clothing boutique, Femi's Glam, has been doing amazing. I had to hire two employees for the boutique and relaunch my website for online booking.

I was finally doing what I loved and felt fulfilled in my life. I dressed three women for a Charity Auction causing my sales to skyrocket and I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Yes, I need two in turquoise, one in gold and three in black. I have three gowns to complete by the end of next month."

I was on the phone with my supplier then Gina, my employee, came into my sewing room.

"Cece, hold on." I looked at her.

"There's a Jennifer here to see you."

"I don't have any appointments today. Did she say the reason?"

Gina already looked annoyed. "She said it's about Mr. Tega."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I'll be right out. Don't start anything."

"Mmhmm," Gina murmured while walking out.

I chuckled to myself...that girl is always ready for a fight and does not play about me.

"She'll be out in a minute." I heard her tell the woman.

After I finished my call, I walked out into the main area. The young woman was looking at one of my gowns.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

She looked at me as if surprised. "Oh wow, you are really pretty."

"Can I help you with something?"

"Um, you're Manny's wife, right?"

"Yes, are you fucking him or something?"

The woman's eyes widened.

"Well um, I think I might be pregnant."

I smirked. "And what am I supposed to do?"

"He's blocked me and I can't get a hold of him to tell him."

"So you want me to tell him that you think you're pregnant...okay and then what?"

"I need money to get rid of it or I'll be seeing him in court for child support."

"Oh really?" I began to laugh.

Yes, my husband is a whore but I know a scam when I hear one.The woman looked around thinking of what to say next.

"Sweetheart, my husband is not hard to find. You go tell him about your little situation and leave me out of it."

"B-But you're his wife...He's been cheating on you."

"And the sky is blue. Please leave."

Gina came from around the counter. "You can go now..." She followed the girl out the door and I went back to the sewing room.


Later that night, we had dinner at one of Manny's business partners' new restaurant. The interior was so classy and sophisticated, it felt like the fifties Hollywood elite era.

We were on the top floor with burlesque dancers and jazz music playing. I swayed my body to the music as my husband stared at me sipping his glass of champagne.

He squeezed my thigh. "You drive me crazy, you know that?"

I slowly licked my lips, enjoying myself teasing him. He's been very attached to me since my encounter with Ludovic. That day after brunch, I had him calling out my name in raw pleasure.

Ludovic was on my mind the whole time I rode Manny's dick until he had nothing left to give...I saw his eyes tear up as his third nut shot inside of me and his body convulsed in ecstasy.


I giggled thinking how helpless and weak he looked. My boutique was keeping me busily away, so I knew he was feening to eat my pussy tonight.

I don't want just your body, I want your soul.

I wanted Ludovic and wished I knew where he was. I'm starting to believe he truly was a figment of my imagination.

Suddenly, there were loud screams. To our right there was a table of five and two of them were laying face down on the table not moving. The waiters and hostess rushed to their side then all the lights went out causing more screams and chaos.

Manny grabbed my hand as he turned his phone flashlight on and led me to the staircase that goes to the first floor. People bumped into us trying to get down the stairs also, luckily we made it to the first floor. It was dark there too and I squeezed his hand tighter.

There was a loud bang causing both of us to duck down to the floor. My ears rang as we stood up, I could smell smoke and people were still bumping into me, trying to escape.

Someone ran into Manny hard, causing my hand to be released from his.

"Manny! Manny!" I called out frantically.

I wasn't going to sit there and wait...From a distance, a red light peeked through the bottom of a closed door and I ran in that direction. I had no idea what was behind that door but I figured it couldn't be worse than what's out here.

Slamming the door shut behind me, it was an office. I locked the door and grabbed the phone on the desk.

"Damn, no dial tone."

I looked around for a window. It was towards the back of the room on the left. The jump wasn't too high so I opened it and took off my heels.


Gunfire could be heard outside the door and I quickly moved my ass. I climbed out, falling on the bushes then ran towards the front of the building. I heard a motorcycle coming behind me but I kept running.

"Got cha."

An arm grabbed my waist and pulled me onto a motorcycle bike. Before I could scream I heard a vibrating....Shhhhhh.

Just like that, everything went black.

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