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I sat in my office watching a video from Femi's boutique. It shows someone hugging her but you can't see their head. There is no footage of this person coming in or out the front or back of the boutique. I've moved the camera's position multiple times but still cannot see this man above his shoulders.

Does she know I put cameras all through her boutique?

I thought about it but Femi seemed surprised that I knew she was talking to someone. She looks happy to see this person...the way she used to look at me.

The thought of her fucking this man made me want to watch her take her last breath...But I would take mine too. I cannot live without her and I truly mean that. Is it an obsession? Maybe. I love that woman to death and I truly mean....death.

Femi gives me a feeling I can't describe. My need to possess her runs through my veins everytime I see her. I still remember the first time I saw Femi, my eyes couldn't look away from her beauty. She was so innocent yet sassy and it made me want to tame her.

"Wow, Manny, your house is so big and beautiful."

That was her first time being inside a mansion and riding in a Lamborghini. All the other times I would see her, I'd pull up on her in a BMW or Mercedes, giving her a roll of money, taking her shopping or out to dinner. Femi began to trust me and the first time I kissed her I knew she already was in love.

The first time she came to my home, I showed her around and took her virginity later that night. I remember her crying in pain but still wanted me to keep going to prove she could handle it. I made her cum twice that night...I also got her pregnant.

Unfortunately, Femi miscarried but our loss brought us closer and not once did I ever regret marrying her.

"Hey Boss, Vincent is here."

I was snapped out of my thoughts and gave my guard a nod. He's been following Femi for a month now but hasn't seen her with anyone.

"Mr. Tega, good to see you again."

"Still nothing?" I asked, getting to the point.

"I don't know which one....but he's a Severna."

I sat forward not sure what I was hearing. I've done some fucked up stuff to my wife but there's no way she would betray me like that.

"Severna? How do you know?"

Vincent took out his tablet, pulling up a few pics. He sat the tablet on my desk...then zoomed in on the footage from the video of Femi's office.

"It was hard to notice but on his left wrist is a tattoo you can only see with a dark light."

He changed the contrast and light of the screen shot...a blurry small tattoo of a sword with symbols underneath was on his wrist.

"I recognized the tattoo from a shootout a few years back. It's a family tradition for all the Severna men to receive this marking."

He then showed me a clear drawing of the tattoo and other men of the family wearing it. My blood began to boil, wanting to see Femi right now.

"Thank you for your help."

I got up and shook Vincent's hand. Once he left, I made a phone call.

"Is my wife home? Okay, make sure she doesn't leave under any circumstances."


I was drawing up a sketch of a new gown design for a client. Soon Mona called me and I spent the next hour getting the tea on the drama going on in our circle.

"We should go have drinks," Mona suggested.

"I could use a break..."

"Okay, then meet me in an hour, the usual spot."

"Okay, see you there."

We hung up and I went to my closet to pick something cute but comfortable. I grab some black tights with a lavender flare out shirt and flat ankle boots.

Walking down the stairs, I checked the side mirror to make sure my ponytail was nice and neat.

"Mrs. Tega, you can't leave the residence."

I looked at his men confused. "Why?"

"Orders from Mr. Tega."

I immediately blew up his phone. He didn't answer my 10 calls and I was beginning to get pissed. I called Mona back, she answered the first ring.

"Hey Femi, umm I need to reschedule."

"What? Why?"

"Something came up with the kids. I will call you later."

Before I could answer, she hung up. I tried to call my answer. It was the same with Camilla and the other wives.

I went back upstairs then after twenty minutes my phone was Manny.

"Hey, is everything okay? Your guys said I couldn't leave."

"Come downstairs."

That's all he said then hung up.

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