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''Sucks to be me.'' Ethan is angry. He didn't want to be around me since I am hurting his feelings. He cannot be talking about feelings when he disregards mine when he was dating me.

Bethany came back to the room getting some stuff situated while I was reading my assignment for my class tomorrow. I was thinking about Ethan while I was reading the assignment because I felt guilty knowing he was hurt. I asked Bethany if I could have Ethan's phone number because I wanted to make amends with him.

Bethany was shocked to hear this, but she gets it. She gave me the number and I started to text him to tell him that I didn't mean to hurt him. I wanted him to understand that we need to take things slowly.

''I know my brother can be difficult, but he is trying.'' Bethany says and I can tell he is trying. Ethan responded to me saying he wants to see me in person to talk, so I told him to meet me at the coffee shop. I left the room telling Bethany I will be back in fifteen minutes, I headed to the coffee shop to talk to Ethan.

''Hi.'' I wave at him.

''I wanted to speak to you in person.'' Ethan says.

''I'm sorry.''

''I shouldn't have gotten mad.'' He was explaining how he misses me, and he wants to take this slow no matter what. I was agreeing with him because I want to take this slow because I don't want to rush into things with him knowing he hurt me before and I don't want to be burned by him again. You know, fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you.

Ethan and I had a nice talk with one another at the coffee shop. It was almost time to get back into the dorm. Ethan offered to take me back to the dorm as we talked to one another until we were standing there in front of the girl's dorm waiting for someone to say something.

Two minutes later.... Ethan kisses me on the cheek telling me goodnight. I went to my dorm thinking about him and the way he speaks to me. Bethany was still fixing up some stuff while I went back to my reading.

Next morning, I was rushing myself to get to class before it was time to leave to get to work. While I was on my way to class, Ethan sent me a text saying good luck. I was confused about what he meant when I was going to class. Then he sent another message saying my bad. I was confused, but I was going to let that affect me. I was in class getting my notebook and pen out and ready for class until I saw him.

"You." I said.

"Me." He smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I was upset knowing I will not have any peace with my life. He said he is the teacher's assistant, and he hasn't seen me since I got here. "Oh really." I was being sarcastic.

"Yes really." He replied. I haven't forgiven him because he was my ex-boyfriend, and he knew that I was being used and he didn't say anything. The fact that Dan and I are attending the same college all this time. He was doing a good job making sure I don't see him again. Dan said he knows I have forgiven him, and he wants to make amends by taking me out for coffee.

"I'm sorry." I didn't want to be around him anymore. He tells me that he has changed ever since that day he hurt me. He is engaged and the woman he fell in love with makes him want to be a better man. I was happy for him knowing he is changing for himself and the one who truly loves him. I guess I should hear him out since he seems different. Also, I need to forgive him because staying mad at him will only make me feel miserable.

After class, we headed to the coffee shop where I ordered a hazelnut coffee as I waited for him to order his coffee. I sat down waiting for his response until he told me he never knew he would end up finding his soulmate. It must be nice finding your soulmate until he mentions that Ethan is my soulmate because the way we look at each other as if no one is there.

''I don't understand.'' I needed him to clarify the meaning of his sentence.

''You guys love each other deeply even though it was a bet.''

''Is this the reason why you didn't want to tell me it was a bet?'' I needed to know.

''I knew I seen love once you guys right in front of me.'' Dan clarifies. I guess I saw love right in front of me, but that love was betrayed. Dan and I were having a serious conversation about our futures until I realized I needed to talk to Ethan. I told Dan it was time for me to go since I have a place to be, especially with Ethan.

I was walking to the dorm seeing Ethan standing there waiting for me. ''I'm sorry I let you stand there for some time.'' I said.

''No problem.'' He smiles. I told him I need to get some things in my room, and I will be right there with him. He chooses to follow me to my room where he locks the door as he pinned me to the wall. We were standing there taking in each other's breath until he told me how much he misses my body and just being around me. ''Ethan....'' Before I could say more words, he kissed me, taking every breath as I yearned for more just by touching.

''Ethan.'' I stop him for a while reminding him that we are starting off friends.

''It's so hard starting off as friends when we already did most of these things.''

''Don't you want to try?'' I stare at him.

''For you, I will.'' Ethan backs off as I get the thing I needed before we go on this friendship date. He took me to a beach where we can have sandwiches and we can learn about each other. I must say I learn more about Ethan knowing he loves swimming and cooking.

He did a lot of things with his mother until she got sick. People look at him as if he is not a good brother, but he had to endure shopping with his sister during the time of high school. Their mom would go until she got sick, and it was up to him to continue this tradition since their dad used to do this with their mom until they had kids.

''How come you never take me shopping to endure with me?'' I was curious and he tells me how I never let him know about my shopping history. Also, shopping is not really my thing. Then I told him how coffee is my thing and he suspected that coffee is my thing because the time we spend with each other and when I come to class, he sees me with a cup of coffee.

''Wow.'' I gave him a light push on his shoulder.

''I mean I see you a lot with coffee, but I don't know what coffee you like.''

''Hazelnut coffee.''

''Just like your eyes.''

''You realize.'' I said.

''I realize almost everything.'' He responded.

''Not the flavor I like in my coffee.'' I was playing tricks on him.

''Oh yeah, you are slick. 'He tickles me, and I got up started to run around the beach as he chases me until we both into each arm looking at each other. ''You are so beautiful.'' He pushes a few strings of hair away from my face tucking them behind my ear. I couldn't help to breathe slowly as he touches me causing my hair on my skin to prickle up.

''You are beautiful too.'' I said.

''Not as much as you are.''

''Don't say that about yourself.'' I said. We stayed in each other arms until we realize we need to get back on campus because I have assignments to do.

They are getting to know each other a little more.

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