missed you

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Word count: 16,611

Probably the longest chapter i've EVER written but i'm very proud of this one. made me tingle hehe.


Harry was yawning.

He had been yawning for days.

People always said your student years were the best and most fun part of life. His parents always assured him he'd look back on these years and be envious at how quickly it flew by. They told him that with a look on their faces that let him know they were thinking of fond memories of a time where they were more carefree.

Sadly enough, Harry felt anything but carefree as these exams were killing his ass.

It had been two weeks of non-stop exams, the one after the other, and he had no time left in between to catch up on sleep.

On top of that, his mind was continuously clouded. With Mia.

They had been dating for a little while now, and with Christmas around it would mark their two month anniversary.

They hadn't discussed the holidays all that much. Mia's days had been filled with anxiety about her exams. Even though she had lost her passion for psychology and wanted to switch after the semester was over – which she still hadn't told her parents about – she still wanted to pass her exams to get her credits and start well in anthropology.

They hadn't seen each other all week except for quick little coffee dates after their exams. But even the past three days, those hadn't happened because they both needed to study very badly. And even though they both pouted about it, they also decided to study separately in order to focus as good as possible. Harry felt like that was very mature of them.

They both knew they were constantly lost in staring at one another or heavy make-out sessions – that sometimes led to them rolling around the bed and forgetting their books altogether – which is why they took a little distance to put their focus on this.

But Harry's stomach was fluttering with the thought that tomorrow they had their final exam. Harry had his at nine, and afterwards he'd go home and sleep it off. Mia had hers at one in the afternoon so she'd come to his place afterwards.

No matter how much they wanted to spend time together, just the two of them, Harry's friends had insisted on a night together. And so Harry decided to bring Mia to keep his friends happy but at least be able to see her.

He was sure she'd tiredly fall asleep on his shoulder before the clock struck midnight, but he couldn't blame her. Secretly, he looked forward to carrying her to bed and tucking her into his chest while cuddling her to sleep.

He missed the feeling of her, like sleeping just didn't feel as satisfying anymore without his body curled around hers.

He sighed and pushed his hair back as the words on his notes blurred together. It was late and he was crammed underneath his little dwarf desk where he could hardly fit his legs underneath. His back was sore from folding himself in all sorts of positions and there were too many empty candy wrappers around to count.

Harry blinked a few times before reaching for the coffee pot, only to find he had already drank the entire thing.

"Fuck." He groaned, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand and stifling a yawn before his white sock-clad feet dragged him into the kitchen. All his roommate's doors were closed as it was nearing midnight, and while Harry prepared more coffee, he dialled Mia's number.

After four rings and no answer, he fit his lip between his teeth in thought she might already be asleep. Or too busy studying to properly notice the buzzing or ringing of her phone. On the other hand, Harry could envision her frantically rummaging her desk in order to find her phone as she heard his call coming in.

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