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Aaaaah,   Halloween!
My favorite Holiday.   When I get to stuff my face with candy and party all night!
I'll definitely stuff my face with candy,  but I am in no way a party person.    Too much noise and flashing lights for me.
But this year I had this feeling that I should go and party with my friends.

I picked up my phone and called the first person I saw.

???:  "Yo?  Hey Y/N,  what's up?"
Me:  "Ian, hey.  So uh,  mind if I tag along this year?"

I heard the phone tumble.

Ian:  "Did I hear you right?  THE Y/N wants to go to an extremely loud and flashy party? "

I heard Ian's sister in the background just as shocked.

Serena:  "Is she?!  Omg she and I can finally shop for costumes together!"

Me:  "Yeah.  Ian,  if you can let Reese, Tyler,  Boa, and Lizzie know then the girls and I can go shopping."
Ian:  "Yeah.  Anywhooo,  I'll let ya go.   Gotta help the boys set up ya know."
Me:  "Of course,  I'll see you guys later."

We both hung up.

I honestly have no clue what I'm gonna dress up as.   I did put much thought into this,  especially since it was a last second decision.    I could just let the girls pick.

I opened up the girls only chat once I got pinged multiple times.

Reese:  SINCE WHEN Y/N?!

Lizzie:  I'm so proud of you Bestie!

Serena:  Ok ladies,  we gotta hustle in getting costumes now.   Y/N doesn't have enough anything yet.

Reese:  I need something new too,  I'mma be feminine this year😙

(Reese is a gender fluid gay male,  so I'm counting Reese in this chat.)

Me:  Can I pick your costume Reese?

Reese:  Oh absolutely babe,  all the privileges to you Queen!

Me:  🤣 Thanks Bestie

Reese:  Ok team Hot Babes,  I'm on my way to kidnap you till the party.

Serena:  Don't take forever Reeseeee😘

Lizzie:  He's gonna take forever 🤣

Reese:  Hey!  I don't take that long!

Me:  MMMMMMMMM You do.

Reese:  Ok fine!  Bet!   TIME ME THEN BABE!

Lizzie:  Lol,  Started the timer.  Better get moving.

Reese:  OH COME ON!

I laughed.   I love my friends,  they definitely have character.

We met in middle school,  right before Reese came out as gay and gender fluid. Quite a young age for that,  but I'm not a judgey person.   He's got an amazing personality,  all my friends do.   They helped support me after my parents died.
I wouldn't trade them for anyone.

I'mma put in some costume ideas!
Comment on what you guys would want to dress up as.




Corpse Bride

I'll post the next chapter soon,  so cast your votes 😘

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