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I woke up and saw it was 7am.    I have classes at 9 till 4,  so it's time to get up.
Not a single soul was in sight in my home,  so Zalgo is probably still sleeping.   I brewed some (f/f) coffee and made some eggs with sausage,  with a cookie on the side.   I left some eggs and sausage in the pan on low for when Zalgo gets up,  which he did at 8am.
He got his food and coffee,  sitting in front of me with a groan.

"I have no motivation to do anything today,  even though that was the best rest I've had in decades." 

His hair was handsomely disheveled and his cheeks slightly red and puffy,  which is adorable considering his cheeks and jaw are perfectly chizzled.   The clothes I gave him fit a bit looser around him from being worn for over 8 hours,   his  crimson eyes and hair even took on a softer red shade.    So simple yet so amazing.
"I hope you don't mind me saying this,  but my god you are absolutely adorable."

His cheeks got even pinker,  he must get shy when he's sleepy.

"An adorable king of Hell?  That's quite the intriguing spectical."  He flushed a little more then sipped his piping hot coffee.
He sat in thought as I watch his finger glide around the rim of his mug.  He looked so humble and shy.

"I think I understand you,  at least part of you.   On thing that caused my stress and overwork is something that will change a lot on how you see things."
He was soft spoken as he looked into the dark liquid in the Minnie Mouse mug he picked,  so cute.  I nodded and hummed,  remembering the last time my eyes we're opened to my dreadful past.

"Something about your file was strange to me,  like something was off.   I did some digging in any human relation file I could find."  He stopped for a moment and started to eat some food,  washing it down with a sip of the dark bitter drink. 
"Even the files of your " parents "  were odd to me,   your father has no mention of you in his report. 
Yet it did mention his birth children. 
On closer inspection of your mother however.... "   He trailed off and looked at me,  many emotions swirled in his light red almost dusty pink eyes.

"Her parents died before she conceived you,  before she was even married.    There is mention of her lover.   Before I tell you whom you came from,  I ask that you remain calm and breathe.    I'll help calm you if it's come to be too much."
I nodded,  expecting something terrible.

"Your birth father is Kaizer,   one of my trusted demon lackeys.    A trusted associate for greater lack of a description.    He left you and your mother due to a few consequences that comes with falling in love and conceiving a child,   by law."

I couldn't take it,   my whole life has been a lie.


I couldn't breathe and started hyperventilating,  causing Zalgo to rush to pick me up and carry me to the living room couch.   He sat down with me in his lap and embraced me.

"Focus on me,  feel my calming touch."
The tears wouldn't stop.
His hand held mine as he rubbed calming circles.
"Remember our bond contract,   focus on me and you will relax."

I burried my head into his chest and focused.    His scent is what I focused on as well as his heartbeat.    I could soon feel a calming force lull my attack,  and lull me to sleep.

"Don't worry my queen,  I'll let the college know you won't be attending."

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