
119 1 4

Started this April 12th and possibly going into April 13th lol.


"Not what I meant by interesting, but let see how this goes."

I gave Zalgo a 'please behave' look.
Turns out the whole crew is here, so we all ended up sitting in the living room.
"Girl, you must've been buuuusy!" Lizzy was the first one to speak as she nibbled on some popcorn, "give us the juicy detz."
Zalgo cleared his throat and smiled an amused smile.
"She's been working for me. I am Julias Zalgatoth, I'm the CEO of my very own company." Huh, Julias Zalgatoth is his earth name? Not too bad, but I prefer Zalgo. "So I resigned from the cafe and Julias offered a job at his company."
His arm draped itself across the back of the couch, laying only inches from my shoulders.

"She's my girlfriend."

My face went red as the words slipped easily off Zalgo's tongue. Reese gasped and jumped into my arms with a squeal. "FINALLY SHE'S GOT A MAN!"
"Come on, sit down babe." Ian was only just able to manage to free me from Reese's grip.


I've been waiting to say that for a while now.


Your heart is racing. Admit it, you liked hearing that.

This guy.
"He's been hiding out here every now and then to relax from work." I was so embarrassed that I almost didn't get that out. Boa and Tyler sat and listened quietly, nodding in understanding, Boa gulping as his gaze switched from me to Zalgo and back again. " Lemme see the zesty suits babe." Reese said with stars in their eyes, practically begging. I shrugged and decided to indulge everyone. "I don't see why not."

A whole ten minutes was spent with Reese, Lizzy and Serena gawking over the outfits.
The boys however managed to get a decent conversation with Zalgo, while I held
Angel Boo while chatting with the girls and Reese. After everyone left I practically collapsed with Zalgo chuckling at my exhaustion.

"Tired already?" I looked at his amused eyes and asked the question that's been on my mind all evening.

"Are we really dating?"

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