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"Who was it?"

"Yeah,  which demon did we summon?"

"Azazel?  Bast?  Euronymous?"  (I looked these names up.)

"Well,  it was supposed to be the demon that was fabled to be the great enemy of the legendary Slenderman."

"Oh my,  Zalgo?   Oh his bruital aura,  if I saw him I'd be on my knees~"

I could over hear a group of girls as I sipped my cocktail.    Zalgo?  

I was on my own since my friends got drunk and went off partying.    That uncomfortable feeling crept up again,  not as strongly though.    I didn't even try looking for the mysterious man,  if I did I probably would stare for a long time.   With my last sip of my drink I set my cup down and wandered around,  which in my case wasn't smart since I was lightly buzzed.   I ran a hand through my h/c locks,   already regretting that drink.    That cocktail shouldn't have had that much in there,   I think it was spiked.  

Out of nowhere my head started to spin,   I felt like I was burning up,   and I couldn't think straight.    I managed to make it to a bedroom door,  I think at least.

"Hello kitten."

A male voice filled my ears,  a deep and raspy voice.

"Shhh,   go to sleep"

My breathing picked up as sharp cold metal graced my neck,  ready to cut.   

I waited for the burning sensation of my thoat being slit,  but it never came.   The muffled sound of something hitting the wall  was heard as well as a string of curses.
I couldn't bring myself to look,  I couldn't even move much.

"What are you doing here?"
"Go back to your master,   or there will be consequences."

A deep,  chocolatey,   luscious voice filled my ears,  with a hint of gravel like he smokes.
The first voice growled and spat,  walking away.    After a few moments my legs finally gave up on me,  causing me to fall towards the floor.   Before I made contact with the floor a pair of strong arms caught my weak body.    He smelled of light cigarettes and cedar wood,  I could feel myself relaxing.

"Humans.   So delicate and frail."
I was scooped up into his arms,   thankfully my eyes could focus on him.    He was breathtaking.

(But in a business suit with crimson mandala designs decorating the blazer

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(But in a business suit with crimson mandala designs decorating the blazer.)
(Bonus:  when he fought Jeff the killer. )


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"Quite the convincing costume,  although you dressed more like a demon queen."
He opened the door to reveal a suite.
The bed was massive and looked like it cost thousands of dollars.

I groand at the headache that just hit me.
"Demon queen."  Was all I could say as I was gently placed on the bed.
He chuckled as he lit a cigarette and walked a bit away.
"You wouldn't understand or remember little human."  He said,  then puffed out some smoke near the window he opened.

"Those pathetic humans trying to summon me,  what a joke.   I was here before they even tried."
"Who... Are you?"
I almost couldn't get my question past my lips.

He slowly walked back to me and looked down upon me.
"I am Zalgo,   a very dangerous demon."
After he finished he blew a cloud of smoke at me.  It didn't bother me since I've got family members who smoke.
"Now tell me,  who are you?"
More smoke slipped through his lips,  the way it made him look extremely hot didn't help my state of mind.

I managed to rub my temples in an attempt to ease the migraine.
My name came out so smooth and naturally as he said it.
"Fair warning to you,  since I've associated myself with you you'll be targeted.   Slenderman will want you,  dead or alive."
He extinguished his cigarette and and trashed it.
"Get some sleep.   I don't doubt we'll meet again."

Just like that he stepped through a burning ring and was gone.

What are my friends gonna think?!

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