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"Eep yeep!"

I felt the tongue of a small animal lick my cheeks,  waking me from the depths of sleep.   "Let her sleep since she eradicated your nightmare,  she'll be exhausted."

Snake eyes and a wagging tail greeted me when I opened my eyes,  and then I saw Zalgo sipping coffee from his favorite Minnie Mouse mug.   "A whole life time.  That's what it takes to tame a Hell Ferrit even for the strongest demons,  the only exceptions being those who have served directly under the King of Hell or have taken the throne by force or have been given it.   Yet you pulled it off in 3 hours shy of a week.   You boggle my mind in extrordinary ways.   Anyway,   you've successfully tamed him.   Do you plan on naming it?"    "Yes!"   "Well?"

"I have a first and second name for it."
His right eyebrow rose as he waited.
"Angel Boo."  (Arranged so that the name has a ring to it.  Both names will be used from now on.)   The confusion on his face was priceless,  however Angel Boo looked pleased.   "Boo likes it,  so?"   Zalgo sighed as a puff of steam shot out through his nose.
"What name would you have given it then?"
".....Ulkizzax,   where I come from it means Devine Pain,  or King Of Agony if put as Ulkizzax Kil Vaaxx."   I thought for a moment and nodded.   "Well that can be his Hell name."    Angel Boo nuzzled into my neck as Zalgo and I talked back and forth,  until Zalgo insisted that I ate something.

Angel scarfed down fruits, nuts, and raw beef nuggets as Zalgo and I ate our food at the kitchen table.   "I was going to let you stay home today so that you could rest,  but seems that you're alright do some work.   I'll even let.... Angel Boo... come as long as he behaves."   I laughed at how uninterested he was in Boo's name.   "I have a feeling something interesting will happen today,  so keep up your guard."    "Yes boss."  I said a saluted him just to be silly.



"Not what I meant by interesting,  but let see how this goes."

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