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(A portion of the collar of the shirt is cut off by Ian to reveal more skin)

I shuffle though one of the guest room closest of a simple outfit,   thankfully I managed to find one of Ian's sweats, boxer briefs, and T-shirts that said handsome devil.
I laughed at Zalgo's raised eyebrow as he read the print on the shirt.
"And to which friend of yours does this belong to?"  He ask as he sat at the desk in my room.   "Ian."   He nodded as he took a better look at my room.
"This room is yours,  right?"   I hummed a yes and pulled out some pajamas for myself.
"I will not lie to you,  I feel quite relaxed here.   It doesn't bring me terrible headaches as my home does."

I opened the bathroom door and smiled,  offering it to him.   "Wanna take a shower?   I've had stressful days too,  hot water helps to relax."   He looked into my eyes as he thought about my offer.   Zalgo stood up and follow me into the bathroom,  looking around at the simple beauty of it.   He watched and listened as I showed him the shampoo,  body soap,  and conditioner options.   I placed some towels on the counter and taught him how to use the shower.    "Take as long as you need,  I took my shower this morning so I don't need to have a turn after you.  I'll be in my room waiting."

(I personally shower at night though.  What time of day do you guys shower?)

I left him in there for a bit.
He came out 20 minutes later,   the shirt showcasing his handsomely sculpted collarbone.   That's the exact reason Ian got it too,  although Zalgo fit it better.   That fact alone told me he was a little more built than Ian,  and that dude was a jockey and boxer.
His skin was still damp and his dark crimson hair slicked back,   this man is model material.   I mean come on!   His skin was practically glistening and glowing from my nightstand lamp!   He smirked as he noticed me basically drinking him up.
"Like what your eyes see my dear?"

My heart rate accelerated as heat flooded my cheeks.  His chuckle snapped me back to reality as he sat next to me.   "You were quite right,  I almost didn't want to leave the hot shower's welcoming embrace."  I grinned at him and almost laughed.
I brought him to the guest room next door.
"This is where Boa and Tyler would stay when my friends would visit,  you'd probably rather stay here than the other two rooms."  I cringed at remember a few times the whole gang stayed over.   He instantly caught on and laughed hysterically,  it was genuine.

He spoke after finally calming down.
"Oh Y/n,  I already know what they do behind closed doors.   I've seen worse cases."
He smirked and walked into the guest room,  laying on the bed and turning to me with that same smirk that made my heart skip a few beats.   "I could tell you some of the stories I've heard from passing souls on their way to Hell,   half of them were turned on by what they saw and heard."   The cringe on my face was worse than last time as I shook my head.  "No thank you,  I'd like to sleep peacefully."  He lightly laughed,  making my stomach do flips.
"This is the most serene I've felt in decades,"  his eyes softened as he looked at the Navy blue ceiling,  "Thank you Y/n."
"Its not a problem Zalgo,  you're always welcome to crash here if Hell gets to be too much."

A soft smile graces his lips as he let sleep take him.

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