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Pop up meeting started to get very frequent,
And that made Zalgo irritated.    I was entering the meeting room and saw Zalgo with his head in his hands,  him being the only body present.    My feet brought me over to is slouched form,  letting my hand raked through his soft crimson locks.
"There has to be some sort of reason for this continual pestering."  I spoke soft so that I didn't set him off.   The bags under his eyes showed just how much sleep he's been getting.  "I know the reason,  I just need written proof.   For today I need for you to stay in the shadows,  and listen to every single detail.   Maybe they will slip when the can't see you,  don't worry you won't be seen."   I nodded,  leaning down and kissing the top of his head.

Stepping into a conveniently shadowed corner close by,  watching as the disgusting men walked in.

"Fired her already?  Mind if I take her in?"
Zalgo and I both grimace at the man.
"I never fired her,  like I'd ever hand any pure and decent girl in my company over to you.   You would have them traumatized for life."   I held back a laugh that begged to be let out.    "Shame,  she's made these meetings more tolerable."

"Oh really?  Interesting you say that,  because she doesn't speak much at all.  She just sits there and writes,  not paying much mind to you.   Any of you.   You have taken control of my work schedule,  I won't let it slide anymore."

"How dare you defy me,  you are juvenile compared to our skills and experience."
"Oh,  I beg to differ.   We all know the only reason you work with me is because of my popularity and greater fame,  and with that many who sought out my attention.   More often than not young beautiful women,   the same whom disappeared within 2 months.
Not long after our meetings,  might I add.
I know your every move,  you disgust me.
Dismissed,  permanently.   I wouldn't count on keeping your trafficking business for long,  or your public company."

The 5 business men stormed out,  giving me the chance to step towards Zalgo.
"I wanna vomit just hearing all that."
"You and I both."  He laid his head against my stomach,  closing his eyes.
"Finally I'll get some rest."

"You are welcome to stay over again."

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