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When I opened my eyes I instantly noticed the hand that ran through,  and played with my hair.    The warm embrace still had me drowsy,  as well as the smell.

Cedar wood and smoke,  but a hint of chocolate too.  

He's been smelling like chocolate a lot more these past few days,  no way am I going to complain.   One thing that made my heart skip a beat was the sensation of soft lips meeting my forehead.    "How are you feeling?"   His voice,   if I were standing I'd be weak in the knees.   "Drowsy."  I managed to grumble something out after a few seconds.   Without thinking,  I took a but breath in as I took in his heavenly scent.
I slowly sat up and realized I had been laying on Zalgo the whole tine on the couch.

The moment sadly didn't last long as a tall faceless figure stood not 7 feet away,  causing me to jump.

"Zalgatoth,  we need to talk.  Now."

Zalgo pulled me into his arms defensively.
"I told Jeff to back off.   She is off limits."
I could feel the frustration and irritation radiating off of the tall being.

"Why must you be so difficult.   We made a deal that you would be a distraction while Jeff moved in."

"Slenderman,  she is worth more by my side than dead.   She Is half demon and she is under my care and protection."  His eyes became a beautiful crimson fire,  ready to burn his target.    "You can't have her Slender,   she'd mine through the blood contract."    Black tentacle like tendrils protruded from Slender's back in anger,  triggering Zalgo's skin to crackle like lava and for him to stand up to protect me.

"We had a deal! "
"A deal I was totally fine with until I found her!"


No on spoke or moved.

Slender and I were in shock.

Zalgo's crackled skin went back to its smooth self as he calmed down.

"She is my future queen,  I was going to tell her but she's already had so much to process.   I hadn't told you yet because both my jobs have gotten relentlessly exhausting as of late.   I needed time to plan,  but obviously life doesn't have patience.  I had thought my oldest non demon collegue would understand."    He placed his head in his hands as he sat down,  stress coming back from the night before.

I wrapped my arms around him since I couldn't bare his depressed state.

"We've had many fall outs before,  but I will let this one slide as she is that important to you."

"Thank you old friend. "

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